The cult has dropped many dates, 1914 will be one that one day has to into the bin with the others if the cult is to survive. The younger generations that will be seeing this in fifty years will have to be blinded to its history or it would not survive long. Religion is not good vs. evil it is more like evil vs evil or religion vs religion. God is a fantasy that does not exist and is a crutch for those to lazy to think for themself and want to be told what to do as sheeple.
Posts by dogon
TONS of changes in the organization
by EndofMysteries innew songbook - removing all the old teachings and anything saying new world or new order.
no more bookstudies - (so no small indepedent comments, only brief congregationwide so not much discussion).
bible reading talk can 'read' only, no introduction or conclusion - again not allowing any input or thought.
Is Jehovah a "Spirit"?
by cameo-d inwhat exactly is a "spirit"?
is it invisible?
does it have form?
God is a myth made up or created by man to explain to unsophisticated minds how things work in the world.
Are the Dubbers still preaching the end is very close?
by dogon inwe use to joke around and use the line from danny deveto on romancing the stone where he is asking michael dougless when he is coming back, soon very soon as a way to make fun of the believers who would keep telling us on stage the end was soon very soon.
they started this after the 75 and 2000 failure.
what are they saying now?.
We use to joke around and use the line from Danny DeVeto on Romancing the Stone where he is asking Michael Dougless when he is coming back, soon very soon as a way to make fun of the believers who would keep telling us on stage the end was soon very soon. They started this after the 75 and 2000 failure. What are they saying now?
Things in North Michigan?
by dogon inhow are things in north michigan?
i hear that they are very bad for employment and business.
i used to know a couple of people who were in the design of homes, i think their business was lake st. design.
How are things in north Michigan? I hear that they are very bad for employment and business. I used to know a couple of people who were in the design of homes, I think their business was lake st. design. I have not heard how things are doing from any old aquaintences. I used to know a Daryl Kunde at Pro Build. I think he sold carpet for that store. I was wondering how things were going if any one lives in that area? Thanks
The governing body during armageddon
by 1914BS inwe only got 500 condos for the cronies - keep out!!.
Since the big A is a fantasy they will just keep trying to make as much in donations a possible.
Religious experience
by dogon ini have a cousin who just had a leg clot and almost died.
he has not had anything to do with the church and was a non-believer.
after his close brush with death he said and i am not making this up he saw god and heard him talking to him.
I have a cousin who just had a leg clot and almost died. He has not had anything to do with the church and was a non-believer. After his close brush with death he said and I am not making this up he saw god and heard him talking to him. Now he has asked our other cousin an elder to help him back to the church. Here is the big problem in his life, his wife is a free spirit type that smokes pot and does not go for any of the restrictive clap trap of the JWs. My cousin, we will call him Hughie Sherman never had good critical thinking skills. He could be blown by whichever way the wind was driving that particular day. Religious experience is hard to debunk because it is completely in the mind of the one who experiences it. I believe that we can experience all kinds of things in our minds but this is a long jump to making it something real. Johns Hopkins did a study on the effects of Psychedelic mushrooms and they found that the users experienced the same religious experiences as those who say they are religious and use the drugs. It amazes me how so many people can be defrauded by dreams and brain farts. To be fair the mind can have affects that are very realistic, but critical thinking is the armor to give one the knowledge of what is really going on. Has anyone else had experiences on this?
That is like saying will Medusa be allowd into the United States if she can not stop turning men to stone? Really?
Watchtower magazines in Hitler's airplane!--by request!
by Atlantis inwhere can i find that document?
also, i have a medical question on bone-marrow i would need assistance with answering.
thanks, fourwheelerguy.
Saying it is so don't make it so. I do not believe this anecdotal clap trap any more than I believe that the society gets letters all saying the same thing form the surviving 144k and that is how they make policy. It is garbage and not worth the paper that it is printed on. It is propaganda designed to inspire the gullible.
A Jehovahs Witness With A New Technique For Proselytizing: Coffin Chasing
by Bangalore ina jehovah's witness with a new technique for proselytizing: "coffin chasing".. .
if you've ever been in an accident, you have experienced your sudden rise in popularity.
I used to hear them say from the platform that older ones who could not get out to go from door to door could read the news papers and write those who had recently lost a loved one to try to start a study. I know of several criple witnesses who would spend all day withing letters. It is nothing more than them being a virus trying to find a weakness so they can infect someone with thier brand of crazy jesus shit.
Just started looking for answers
by jwdecendant ini was raised as a jw and have several family members who are witnesses, including my mother.
while i love and respect her very much i was very resentful of being raised in "the truth".
there are several reasons but the main one is the way i was "counseled" and ultimately publically pointed out as a bad associate.
There are not answers, but you can find one thing for sure. That is that the dubbers cover up their history and lie about it, and have been wrong on every thing they have said was going to happen. What ever the real truth is ,god, no god, The witnesses are dead ass wrong. I am an atheist and see no reason to change from my way of thinking but one fact I have learned is that the witness cult is all about the organization and could give a shit about people. They do not care about anyone except their own ass and the cult organization that keeps them living like the pope.