Posts by dogon
by WITNESS-FOR-WATCHTOWER-REFORM indue to unforeseen circumstances, i need to say goodbye.
proverbs 14:16 nlt.
i have every faith that the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will bring about needed change very soon given the continuous pressure they face.
change and reform what? The tower is a pile of shit and pulling one turd out and saying this one can be fixed is stupid. -
Have not had a visit in over a year
by dogon ini have been out of the cult for over 20 years.
i left when the idiots changed the meaning of generation in 95 and the internet came to life giving me the links to see just what a mind numb bunch i was with.
i now live in a populated area where there is a hall about half a mile away.
Lisa They really liked you. Must be nice to be liked that much.
Have not had a visit in over a year
by dogon ini have been out of the cult for over 20 years.
i left when the idiots changed the meaning of generation in 95 and the internet came to life giving me the links to see just what a mind numb bunch i was with.
i now live in a populated area where there is a hall about half a mile away.
I had a business partner who was an elder in the hall for 16 years. He and I would talk and I never held back. My Grandfather told me you don't know how Daryl would not say a word of your bashing the Org. Once the other elder came to my home and I let it out [I guess I got jaded after years of Daryl not going off the rails on me bashing the org cult. He would even joke , like saying you just got out of one cult you don't want to get in another.] SHTF. The control freak elder was Norman Gardner. He was and as far as I know is an asshole supreme. Very few people are as narcissistic as this asshat. For the last years I was up north they would try every once in a while saying why do you care if we DF you? Just say you don't believe the cult is gods sole org on earth. I would say I am not going to give you rope to hang me. You want it you work for it. LOL. -
Do not enjoy life now!
by life is to short inok so i was stupid and looked at the text for today, i do not know why i did it.
i lost a couple of brain cells and put myself into an even deeper depression over it.
it was just that my husband had it out and i thought what can it hurt, wondering what they are up to.
I can remember eating lunch with an elder in North Michigan from Brutice cong. He would tell us at lunch brake that this is not a real life. The real life [more hova speak bull shit] was to come. I have a lot of family who are now living like paupers because they never prepared for this world. Fuck these assholes.
Have not had a visit in over a year
by dogon ini have been out of the cult for over 20 years.
i left when the idiots changed the meaning of generation in 95 and the internet came to life giving me the links to see just what a mind numb bunch i was with.
i now live in a populated area where there is a hall about half a mile away.
I have been out of the cult for over 20 years. I left when the idiots changed the meaning of Generation in 95 and the internet came to life giving me the links to see just what a mind numb bunch I was with. I now live in a populated area where there is a hall about half a mile away. When I moved here I was getting stops by JWs a couple times a month. The thing is I was told by my Grandfather now passed on when I lived in my home town that after I left I did not realize what a can of worms I opened up when I was approached by an elder and I told him I felt the org was a cult. I had been out for a few years and told this elder I had known for many years that I had been reading Franz and other history's of the cult and wanted nothing to do with it. This elder called me about two days later and wanted to show up to my home again with a fellow elder who was about as control freak as one can get. I replied nope not interested. I knew what he was after, to get me to repete what I had told him a few days before and then they could DF me. My Grandfather who was an elder at the time told me I did not get what a buzz I had created among the members of the org. I was out so did not really pay attention.I told this story to apply to now living in Fla and getting a visit about twice a month. About a year and a half ago I got visit from a member of the cult where I used to live. I pointed out I knew who he was and who I was. He was visibly uncomfortable. He left and since that time I have not had one visit.
I would bet I am labeled an apostate and directed to stay away from my door. I did not understand how much they were afraid of apostates. LMAO. Anyone else have this situation?
How many JWs actually died in Nazi camps
by dogon inthe jws have tried to pad the number of jws in camps.
how many actually went and how many died?
can you site the source also?
The JWs have tried to pad the number of JWs in camps. How many actually went and how many died? Can you site the source also? Wiki has it padded. If you know can you post me a link to [email protected]
How to argue with a JW who says the org never said the end in 75
by dogon ini have argued with several jws who are now being trained to deny the org ever said the end in 75, what is your approach?.
I was there also. I could not remember anyone saying it is coming but it sure was implied if it was not. I lived in North Michigan at the time and many people sold homes and quit jobs and moved up north with just enough money to live to about spring winter of 76. Many who had good jobs at GM or Ford now were hanging drywall and other jobs trying to regroup.
How to argue with a JW who says the org never said the end in 75
by dogon ini have argued with several jws who are now being trained to deny the org ever said the end in 75, what is your approach?.
I have argued with several JWs who are now being trained to deny the org ever said the end in 75, what is your approach?
What is this I have heard about the new teachings at the RC
by dogon inis there some new teachings i am hearing about, in the disfellow shipping area?.
Is there some new teachings I am hearing about, in the disfellow shipping area?
Should I stay married to my JW wife
by gatorguy inme and my wife were at the beach the other day and i finally told her, i don't think i believe in god anymore.
i fessed up to the fact that it started with me doubting some jw beliefs and then it just led me to this point where i don't even believe in god.
i wouldn't say that i even have a negative view towards jw's or religion in general.
If she is a dyed in the wool dubber you may as well cut and run now. It will never get any better living with a stepford wife. She will always be more loyal to the cult then to you and that will never make for a strong relationship.