I think the cult gets most of its new members by breeding. They don't bring that many from the field. Not these days. If your brought up in the cult its hard to get past the trust you put in mom and dad have your best interest at heart.
Posts by dogon
"Intelligent" Witnesses
by megaboy inafter reading some experiences, i have found that this organization has had quite a big change in its operations within the last decade.
back when i was talking to the ocassional witnesses at a local hotspot i remember some of them having respectable intelligence.
what i want to know though is those who have been aquainted with who they felt were more educated and independent in thinking, how they handled the rapid changes.
Still Contaminated After All These Years
by new boy inthe contaminantion of years of being a jehovah witness.. it's interesting to see in myself and in many others here how no matter how much we want it or wish it, we will never be able to erase all of the mental contamination.
in one way or another it will always be a part of us.. i've had many friends that have been out for many years say "well i can't do that it just wouldn't be right.
" yes they are still judging themselves and others.
It took me years of self analyzation but I can go days or weeks and not even thing about these asshats. If you stay around cult members to any degree your just keeping an open wound. Its like an alcoholic working at a bar.
Is the Dubbers cult going to more digital than printed?
by dogon ini know they have slave labor free but it costs a lot to print, ship ect and then you have waste.
digital would cut costs.
i was thinking about this because my wife visited her mother an father who are still cult members.
I know they have slave labor free but it costs a lot to print, ship ect and then you have waste. DIgital would cut costs. I was thinking about this because my wife visited her Mother an Father who are still cult members. They are older 78 plus or minus and were using Apple Ipads to get Tower bull shit. Is this a thing they are moving to?
J.W. Elders Are Knowingly Complicit
by The Searcher infor anyone who denies that the wtbts teaches jehovah's witnesses & potential converts lies and perversions of scriptures via their literature, here is a prime example:
w88 2/15 p. 9 further corrective counsel - "but because of human imperfection, at times serious disputes will occur.
jesus also provides guidelines for handling them.
My Grandfather Bill Clegg now passed away in Florida in 2011, was an elder for most of his life and a special pioneer and CO. When the internet came out and I had started to read about 607 and other historical fallacy of the cult he gut upset and said where are you getting this? They way he questioned me was he knew about this and never said a word. He lied to us and covered up for the cult. My Grandfather was an asshole.
how to not get in trouble when addressing your comcerns about the organization during a shepharding call
by nowwhat? inso just finished telling your concerns about the pedophiles cover up, failed prophecies, revisionists history and lack of financial transparency.
so elders ask you the questions.
" so does this mean you don't want to to be a jw anymore?
It depends on the Shepard. Or better title assholes. I have had calls where I could have been DFed but they were doing the we want to bring back the lost sheep. I have had other ass holes who were looking for me to say the smallest thing to give them the rope to hang me. I also think if you want to not cause waves, something I never had a problem with, then it would be best to keep away from them. They will eventually look for you to slip up and I have even heard of them making up crap to get you DFed if they think your a bad apple.
Kingdom Hall Sell-Offs - 2 Defunct Phrases Now
by The Searcher in1) when a newly built k.h.
is dedicated, the sheep are told that the building "will be a great witness for jehovah.
the opposite must now be true - when they get rid of it to accumulate cash, they must now be "un-witnessing for jehovah.".
Is there any numbers on new builds vs selling of old halls? I have heard anecdotal things about sell offs but nothing concrete.
A Comforting Thought About Watchtower
by freemindfade inthis organization will never again be what it was by 2013-2014. .
they peaked in the form they were, i believe they were already falling apart in ways, but from the outside and to the majority r&f, things likely still seemed on the up and up.
browsing through the boards and just keeping my finger on the pulse of what's happening, this organization will never again be what it was.
I believe the internet is the single most cause of people getting information about the cult they did not have access to in previous years. That said I doubt they are going away anytime soon. They may be fading away but gone? I don't see that any time soon. The core is fanatical.
JWs vandalizing homes/property of apostates
by StarTrekAngel ini have read over the past few years of many cases of elder harassment and unwanted visitations.
however, there is a couple of stories out there where it has been presented that eventually the apostate in question comes home one day to find that their home has been trashed or covered with graffiti, which by the words written, seems to imply that it was a jw taking "revenge" or seemingly delivering divine justice against the apostate.
most of these are stories i've read online from several years ago.. have you individually or the group ever heard or stumbled upon these cases?
Although I hate JWs to the one. I would also say 99% would not do things like this. Not because they are good but because its the way they do things. They love to DF for punishment. That said I know of a couple high strung younger idiot Dubs who would during hunting season shoot the local Church sign while driving down the road. Its not common but I think it happens. I would love to catch a dubber on camera and have them paraded into court.
JWs and taking blood
by dogon ini have a brother who works in the medical profession and in particular surgery rooms.
he had a jw woman who needed blood.
while the jw elders were there she said no blood.
I have a brother who works in the medical profession and in particular surgery rooms. He had a JW woman who needed blood. While the JW elders were there she said no blood. But once away from the JWs she said if they could avoid blood do it but if she needed blood do what they need to do to keep her alive. He said that about 50 percent of the JWs that come in will say that once the gestapo leaves. I never thought this happened. LOL But it makes sense.
Changed Wording in February 2017 WT Article
by Ding inthe february 2017 wt had stated that the gb is "neither inspired nor infallible" and that it can make errors in doctrine.. the language of the online wt issue now says, “the governing body is neither inspired nor perfect.
therefore, it can make mistakes when explaining the bible or directing the organization.”.
why the change?
So what the fuck good are they?