Saying it is so don't make it so. I do not believe this anecdotal clap trap any more than I believe that the society gets letters all saying the same thing form the surviving 144k and that is how they make policy. It is garbage and not worth the paper that it is printed on. It is propaganda designed to inspire the gullible.
Posts by dogon
Watchtower magazines in Hitler's airplane!--by request!
by Atlantis inwhere can i find that document?
also, i have a medical question on bone-marrow i would need assistance with answering.
thanks, fourwheelerguy.
A Jehovahs Witness With A New Technique For Proselytizing: Coffin Chasing
by Bangalore ina jehovah's witness with a new technique for proselytizing: "coffin chasing".. .
if you've ever been in an accident, you have experienced your sudden rise in popularity.
I used to hear them say from the platform that older ones who could not get out to go from door to door could read the news papers and write those who had recently lost a loved one to try to start a study. I know of several criple witnesses who would spend all day withing letters. It is nothing more than them being a virus trying to find a weakness so they can infect someone with thier brand of crazy jesus shit.
Just started looking for answers
by jwdecendant ini was raised as a jw and have several family members who are witnesses, including my mother.
while i love and respect her very much i was very resentful of being raised in "the truth".
there are several reasons but the main one is the way i was "counseled" and ultimately publically pointed out as a bad associate.
There are not answers, but you can find one thing for sure. That is that the dubbers cover up their history and lie about it, and have been wrong on every thing they have said was going to happen. What ever the real truth is ,god, no god, The witnesses are dead ass wrong. I am an atheist and see no reason to change from my way of thinking but one fact I have learned is that the witness cult is all about the organization and could give a shit about people. They do not care about anyone except their own ass and the cult organization that keeps them living like the pope.
Today I realized we are living in "the last days." Socks!
by Witness 007 ini went to my sock draw and for some reason i could not find two the same color...what the hell!
maybe a "tartarus" or "gehenna" for wicked socks.
i swear this is some demonized crap as i sit here at work with one grey one black sock!.
This is a funny thread, but it has a lot of truth to it. How many of us have listened to someone in the borg say that because of misfortune that is happening to them or directly around them that it is a sign of the end of the system? I have always thought that it was very narcissistic to say that things are not going good in your life and so it is a sign that the end is close. I have also wondered how many times a dubber can say this to him self and still believe it. It is like being told that you will get a present soon, after a while that present does not matter if it shows up or not the wanting of it is destroyed. Only new cult members can hold onto the passion for waiting, and the old fucks in Brooklyn, as there lives are as good as can be getting zone trips and more than likely screwing the new little boys at bethel in the ass.
Even in their prayers they prove that they are a cult.
by Sour Grapes inat the meeting sunday the brother giving one of the prayers said.
"that we than you for your organization because people who are outside.
of the congregation are corrupt and wicked.".
I have heard a lot of clap trap in prayrs, there is a bit of space given on prayr and if you get an idiot for an elder or some wanabe who is let pray for the cong. they can go off the deep end of the pool. Spending your time around these nut jobs makes your mind like oat meal. It is a dead end. They only have the power you give to them. I really have no sympathy for those who stay in and cry that its bad.
Texas Circuit Assemblies HELP!
by 4mylove inwell, i thought i had dodged the bullet this year, but the almighty sis in law apparently called my hubby to invite him to the assemble again this year.
he'd gotten an invite earlier this summer.. i had ironically just gotten of the phone with the mom in law, just to check in and see how everyone was doing.
sounds like i was involved in a power play.
I can't hlep but think of billy crystal every time I hear "I hate being or having to go to Meetings, or assemblys" Crystal did a skit on SNL where he would do a rant, you know when you take a steak knife and start to saw between your toes and then pour vinigar on it, OHHHH I hate it when that happens. You know you don't have to go to the god damn assemblys. Once I figured this out it was one more step to being free.
Are You Afraid of The Biblical God?Does This Fear Stunt Your Intelligence?
by frankiespeakin inare you afraid of the biblical god?.
are you afraid of a god that can read your mind.
if so have you ever considered this a form of mind control?
When I beleived in the fairy tales of the pretend god of the bible it did stunt my ability to think and reason. Now that I have let such foolishness go, I could no more believe in talking snakes then little green men from another world.
Weird stuff individuals believe
by bluecanary inthis thread doesn't just have to be about jws.
it's about the weird stuff that isn't taught by the religion, but an individual believes it.
my examples:.
The type of people that buy into talking snakes and virgin births will gulp down anything. How far of a leap is it from a man living in a fish for 3 days to smerfs driving home from meeting? Its the same crazy path. I have never been happier than to be atheist and free from not only the dubdom but religion. The longer I deprogram myself the more clear it is that religion is such a scam. Either you have freddie brown shoes saying stay alive till 75 or you have a guy in pointy hat that says not having sex is gods will and covering up sex abuse by preists on alter boys. Its all crazy voodoo talk. Nothing good comes from religion. History is full of people in the name of god doing what they think was gods will and killing others in the name of some god or anohter. When the planes flew into the towers they were yelling Allah Akabar. or god is great.
I can't take this pain life at dead end
by JustHuman14 inmy life has reached to a dead end...i'm stuck and there is no way out.
i was inactive for 6 years and i'm disfellowshiped for the past 3. i would never think that my life would have been in this terrible mess.. .
i wasn't planned to be disfellowshiped by my "wife" turned me in to the elders for apostasy 2 times!!!
BTW you all have every right to teach your children that the bible is myth or at min, that the WT has many holes in its teachings. You can invite your wife to sit down and debate with you and the kids. It is not only your right but duty. If you let things go down the easy path now, you will loose your children for life when the get older and stick to this mind control of an org. It is like treating the sickness now or waiting. If you wait it will cause much more damage or even kill the relationship. I have seen this so many times. Fortunatly all my family that holds any meaning to me has given up this cult and all religion. But I planted seeds of question over the years.
I can't take this pain life at dead end
by JustHuman14 inmy life has reached to a dead end...i'm stuck and there is no way out.
i was inactive for 6 years and i'm disfellowshiped for the past 3. i would never think that my life would have been in this terrible mess.. .
i wasn't planned to be disfellowshiped by my "wife" turned me in to the elders for apostasy 2 times!!!
Remember like anyone or any organization, they only have the power you give them. Your prison is of your own making. You are the one in charge over your home except in spiritual thing according to the dubs. Tell you wife NO PARTIES in your home unless it you invite them, and the children are not going to any parties outside the home that you do not approve. The dubs will tell your wife that she still has to obey your rulings except when it comes to going to meetings, service and study. Other than that you still are in charge according to dubdom. If I were you I would just move out and document all the things she does and try to get the kids. But either way I would move on with my life. A friend of mine who was a Psychiatrist told me something worth remembering, if you are not happy in your life just change it. So many people get caught in ruts and just sit there unwilling to try new things or change their life. You have to get away from the base of people who do nothing but simply try to degrade you into submission to their way of thinking. You have used your mind to question teachings that do not make sense to anyone who thinks. For this you are criticized and called names. It is those who use such infantile attacks to try school yard tactics to force others to do as they want that are the ones that are in the wrong and the little minds. You have to get away from these people as they are toxic. Their toxic attitudes will rub off on you and seem like they already have started. You are not helping your children by staying in a loveless marriage, a marriage where your partner is working against you to force you to do what she thinks. I also am in a new relationship where it is ok for one to believe that there is something other than happenstance and the other to be atheist with out trying to berate each other to their side. Even if you or she wins there will never be that feeling of love or togetherness. If you stood up and told her how you feel and that you can not live in a relationship like this, and walk out, it may take away here feeling of power she obviously feels she has over you. You will feel much better about your self than you do now and if she does not respond move on because she loves a myth and book of stories and an organization more than you.