What is the rarest JB book ever printed? I just bought a copy of the finished mystery and it can be a bit rare. But I bet there are others much more rare.
Posts by dogon
what is the rarest JW book?
by dogon inwhat is the rarest jb book ever printed?
i just bought a copy of the finished mystery and it can be a bit rare.
but i bet there are others much more rare.
"jesus never said the spiritual food would be perfect"
by nowwhat? inoh so it's jesus fault the spiritual food hasn't been perfect!
we your governing body are just responsible for serving it!
think about this people, they are saying it was jesus who told us the end was going to come in 1975. then before the 1914 generation passed away no later than the 1990's.
Its a turd sandwich
My 89 year old father will be standing by a cart tomorrow.
by longgone inyes, that's what he just told me.
this cult had no shame.. 😞😞😞 .
I remember when Carl Kunde died at an assembly in Pontiac. It was notoriously hot at the old Silver dome. My partner his son only a few years before said that when some old people fainted due to the heat that no one made them stay.
Another family goes down in flames.
by dogon inmy wife's mother has alzheimer.
it is progressing to the point that she is writing things like she wishes she was dead and does not want to live.
if you know my mil you would know this is not her at all.
My Wife's Mother has Alzheimer. It is progressing to the point that she is writing things like she wishes she was dead and does not want to live. If you know my MIL you would know this is not her at all. My Wife's father has a hart condition and two strokes and now has a tumor on the brain. Her mother was a pioneer for most of her life and her father quit GM to move north to wait for the 1975 end of the world. He started his own business as a mechanic and then house painter. They live on SS and put nothing away for retirement. I saved worked and took any extra jobs I could for retirement. I also pushed my wife to get a job in finance and she has worked in that area for 24 years. She has a nice 401k built up and we also have a nice IRA each. I know my wife wants to throw money at them but I will have to be cold and not breathing before that happens. I do feel sorry for them but I had argued that if the JWs were wrong you are not going to have anything to fall back on for years. It fell on deaf ears. Her parents sold their home in north Michigan and moved to Kentucky to live in an old dilapidated house they bought for her sister who has two children and divorced. Funny how JWs seem to have shit marriages. Her sister is 47 and does not work, trying to get SSI and sponges off her parents Social Security. That amounts to about 1500 a month. One of her kids is 22 and lives in his room. Does not work and is in his room literally 22 hours a day. The daughter is 19 works at Burger King and is about 300 pounds as is her mother. Her sister talks about Armageddon and killing herself. This is a story that has no happy ending that I can see. I throw out things like the state will pay for a child to take care of a parent that can not take care of them self. And her parents are in that condition. But will they even have enough gumption to apply. I don't know. Very sad but its like the life boat. You can only save yourself, if you try to save the ship you will sink your own boat and die with them. Those fucking JW bastards and their bull shit have caused another group to be miserable and they are no where to be found. Fucking asshats.
Looking for an original copy of The Finished Mystery 1918
by dogon inif anyone has a original copy of the finished mystery 1918 they would sell contact me at [email protected].
If anyone has a original copy of the finished mystery 1918 they would sell contact me at [email protected]
Russian news article re: financial misdeeds of the WT in Russia
by OrphanCrow inthe way that the wt conducts business in russia, hiding ownership of property and moving money overseas, was a large factor in the jws falling afoul of the russian authorities.
it wasn't just 'extremist' views that came into play, it was also their handling of money that was illegal.. this article is from a russian news source - i had to use google translate to read it, so i have copied and pasted the whole article (i usually don't...apologies to the author of the article).
if someone has russian language skills, please feel welcome to offer a better translation.. .
I wish every country would ban the bastards. I would turn my own family members in for being in that fucking cult.
BBC 4 Thought for the Day Talks about Russian Ban against JWS. by Rev Dr Giles Frazer - 24 April 2017
by Da.Furious injust started getting on instant messaging platforms an audio clip having rev dr giles fraser talking about the russian ban on jws.. this is very similar to the post on guardian.
discussed here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5668600843075584/guardian-russia-persecution-jehovahs-witnesses-begins-all-over-again.
link to the 3 minute audio clip: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p050zjdq.
JWs and other cults like Scientology have no place in Society. They are destructive and liberals had better learn as with Islam that you can kill your own culture by being so tolerant you let in the wolf in sheep's cloths. JWs are evil by nature.
Double standard?
by dogon ini see serena williams is pregnant, not married and is she still a jehovahs witness?
if i have all this correct why is she not disfellowshipped?
more jw bull shit?
sir 82 if she associates her self as a JW the JWs have always said they will take action against such a person who does not follow the rules. so what the fuck are you apologizing for the cult for? Get real
Double standard?
by dogon ini see serena williams is pregnant, not married and is she still a jehovahs witness?
if i have all this correct why is she not disfellowshipped?
more jw bull shit?
I see Serena Williams is pregnant, not married and is she still a Jehovahs Witness? If I have all this correct why is she not disfellowshipped? More JW bull shit? Do I have this correct?
Russia forbids Jehovah's Witnesses. El PaÃs newspaper also points to complaints in Spain
by sp74bb insource: el paÃs newspaper.
russia forbids jehovah's witnesses.
They should they are a destructive cult.