My Wife's Mother has Alzheimer. It is progressing to the point that she is writing things like she wishes she was dead and does not want to live. If you know my MIL you would know this is not her at all. My Wife's father has a hart condition and two strokes and now has a tumor on the brain. Her mother was a pioneer for most of her life and her father quit GM to move north to wait for the 1975 end of the world. He started his own business as a mechanic and then house painter. They live on SS and put nothing away for retirement. I saved worked and took any extra jobs I could for retirement. I also pushed my wife to get a job in finance and she has worked in that area for 24 years. She has a nice 401k built up and we also have a nice IRA each. I know my wife wants to throw money at them but I will have to be cold and not breathing before that happens. I do feel sorry for them but I had argued that if the JWs were wrong you are not going to have anything to fall back on for years. It fell on deaf ears. Her parents sold their home in north Michigan and moved to Kentucky to live in an old dilapidated house they bought for her sister who has two children and divorced. Funny how JWs seem to have shit marriages. Her sister is 47 and does not work, trying to get SSI and sponges off her parents Social Security. That amounts to about 1500 a month. One of her kids is 22 and lives in his room. Does not work and is in his room literally 22 hours a day. The daughter is 19 works at Burger King and is about 300 pounds as is her mother. Her sister talks about Armageddon and killing herself. This is a story that has no happy ending that I can see. I throw out things like the state will pay for a child to take care of a parent that can not take care of them self. And her parents are in that condition. But will they even have enough gumption to apply. I don't know. Very sad but its like the life boat. You can only save yourself, if you try to save the ship you will sink your own boat and die with them. Those fucking JW bastards and their bull shit have caused another group to be miserable and they are no where to be found. Fucking asshats.