RT you are wrong. Just read the letters the Watchtower sent me. They do not support using deadly force to protect your life. I know many many dubbers who would not use deadly force at all. I know some who would but its very frowned on and they do not talk about it.
Posts by dogon
To kill or not to kill
by Chook inhow many jws would kill a violent rapist in there home or protect their family with lethal means .
the one thing i love about the usa is the right to defend oneself with lethal force in their own home.
it's not that i want to kill someone but better them dead than my children..
To kill or not to kill
by Chook inhow many jws would kill a violent rapist in there home or protect their family with lethal means .
the one thing i love about the usa is the right to defend oneself with lethal force in their own home.
it's not that i want to kill someone but better them dead than my children..
To kill or not to kill
by Chook inhow many jws would kill a violent rapist in there home or protect their family with lethal means .
the one thing i love about the usa is the right to defend oneself with lethal force in their own home.
it's not that i want to kill someone but better them dead than my children..
I am a liberal on somethings like Health care. I believe that single payer is the only way to go. On immigration I am also very conservative. I believe we need to stop all Muslim immigration as they do not assimilate to western style of living. On firearms I fall into the conservative camp. Here in the US other than places like NYC or California Mass and the other usual suspects one can buy most any gun they want to. You can even buy without any qualification an 80% lower AR or Phoenix pistol kit and make your own gun. No serial numbers at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewlOq_1_1Xo
To kill or not to kill
by Chook inhow many jws would kill a violent rapist in there home or protect their family with lethal means .
the one thing i love about the usa is the right to defend oneself with lethal force in their own home.
it's not that i want to kill someone but better them dead than my children..
To kill or not to kill
by Chook inhow many jws would kill a violent rapist in there home or protect their family with lethal means .
the one thing i love about the usa is the right to defend oneself with lethal force in their own home.
it's not that i want to kill someone but better them dead than my children..
the second letter to the cult over defense.
To kill or not to kill
by Chook inhow many jws would kill a violent rapist in there home or protect their family with lethal means .
the one thing i love about the usa is the right to defend oneself with lethal force in their own home.
it's not that i want to kill someone but better them dead than my children..
I have been a gun enthusiast for over 40 years. I have had a CCW or concealed weapons lisc. for over 10 years. I carry every day. If I run out and forget my Ruger SR9c I feel like I left home without my pants. That said I have had this argument for many years with the watchtower. I started by asking elders if I could defend myself with force from an attack. I asked one elder who I was partner's in business with what he would do if a rapist or murder broke into his house. He said and I am not joking I would try to push them out the door. I then moved on to other elders and was shown articles that said it would be better to be hurt than to kill someone and Jehovah would make it right. I had asked what about Luke 22:36 He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. I was give a lot of bull shit, so I decided to write a letter to the borg. I was scared because they were so almighty. The response I got was like Dorthy looking behind the curtain. I wrote three letter to the cult and received two letters back.
2017 Sunday RC Final Talk & Comments About 1975
by baldeagle inmany of us here have commented on the deceitful friday afternoon video shown at the 2017 rc that discussed 1975.. the video attempted to shift the blame onto congregation members for the fiasco saying, "some were looking to a certain date as signifying the end of this old system of things.".
this same video mentions how, “a few even went so far as selling their homes and quitting their jobs.”.
we all know that the wt leadership created this teaching and endorsed it right up to its abject failure.. now below is the concluding talk given on sunday at the rc.
What a total load of bull shit. I have heard this before and its as sick now as it was then. Nothing these asshats have ever said has come to pass. fuck em and I hope they rot.
Opinions on family situation
by dogon inmy brother got married to a woman who was wild and selfish.
so for those who think i am just biased let me tell you the story.
he married her and about a year later she got pregnant.
I agree, I have tried over the years and given a lot of time and money. Its always been a one way street. I was never paid back until we divided up the inheritance. I demanded I get back what I had loaned out over the years. His wife tried to take control of the inheritance until I told him she needed to stay away. This further ticked her off. I also lost my temper and posted on Facebook the DNA test to show if she tried to say it was a lie here is the proof. This went over like a lead balloon.
Opinions on family situation
by dogon inmy brother got married to a woman who was wild and selfish.
so for those who think i am just biased let me tell you the story.
he married her and about a year later she got pregnant.
My brother got married to a woman who was wild and selfish. So for those who think I am just biased let me tell you the story. He married her and about a year later she got pregnant. She would call him when he was with his family telling him she was at a bar with some guy and he would make sure she got home OK don't worry. After an argument she had some of her family tear his truck up and when he called the police she threw her family under the bus saying she did not know they did it.
Several years after the marriage she wanted to leave. She told him that his son was from an affair she had and he was not his. He thought at first she was lying and took his son and had a DNA test done. She was not lying he was not his. After she left him and went to live with her father several states away he ran after her telling her his father [our father] was dying and he had a 100k inheritance coming. Before our father was passed on he was stealing from our dads accounts while he was in hospice buying her everything from boots,jewelry and a new CRV. She came back, no surprise there.
About a year after my father passed and the estate was divided up and sold off he disappeared. He stopped calling or taking calls, cut off his facebook page and has had no communication with any of his family. Just before this happened he also started a crash body building program to also entice is wife. Personally I don't see this as a lasting fix the problem. Just before he quit talking to us he would say his family had put wedges between himself and his wife.
Other things his wife has done is have affairs with her female first cousin, she would say they were kissing cousins. Ask my brother is she could bring in a woman and have threesomes. she has never held a job for more than a year in her life. Any money that they have came from my brothers work or inheritance. Even their home was originally built by my family for my brother before he met her. She once said because I went with them to a bar at night and would not dance that she was gong to drop a tab of ecstasy in my water. My brother told her not to do it and informed me later on.
Opinions on this situation. My feeling is as sad as I am to say this, I think its best and for my own good that I cut ties with him. -
jehovah has left the building
by stan livedeath inthe ryde , isle of wight, uk kingdom hall has been sold ( subject to contract ).
the asking price was £500,000.
one of the first quick builds in the uk.
I learned this many years ago. All halls are not titled to the local congregation. Its all Cult property. All money ends up with the Cult. Glad I used to pocket the 5 bucks my grandmother used to give me to put in the cult box. Fuck em.