Drinking is one of the few "vices" allowed the witnesses and of course when alcohol is involved, sex is the city to which all roads lead. Since witnesses are "OK" with alcohol, they revel in it, wallow in it, soak in it, and use it to dull the pain of a dull existance.
Have you ever noticed that, generally speaking, most elders and before them congreation overseers, were all either educated and had money, or for some other reason had money...more than the average publisher? Amazing how that works, isn't it?
I was told, at the age of 18 and about to start college, that it would be foolish to go to college - what with armageddon coming any time now and all. I was told this by a congregation overseer who owned a real estate company and who was richer than three feet up a bull's ass.
"Be like buying up property and building a shopping center on it when you know there's a four-lane highway going to be built right through there. Be silly. A waste of time, wouldn't it now, son? You just forget about that college thing. Why, I'll give you a good job making plenty of money helping take care of my rental properties. You can do that 'till Armageddon gets here.
'Course I don't think it would be a good idea for you to marry my daughter right now, what with armageddon coming any time now and all. Bad idea to have children this side of the great tribulation.
Just forget about that college business. I can start you at minimum wage, since you don't have any experience. But you'll be making good money pretty soon. Just forget that college business."
All this was 38 years ago.
Oh, and some other things. I got my college degree. Two of 'em. And now I'm in the top 1% of income earners. And I left the JWs years ago. And the jerk's daughter has three children, and still peddles the WT door-to-door - more furiously than ever, what with armageddon coming any day now and all.
No one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of Jehovah's Witnesses