That's a great big TEN FOUR buddyrow.
JoinedPosts by Francois
Marijuana...should it be legalised?
by digderidoo inafter talkin in chat has got me and a friend talkin about whether marijuana should be legalised.. my view...yes, .
i) who has the right to tell me what to do with my own body?.
ii) alcohol is a legalised drug....each year more deaths occur through alcohol abuse than marijuana usage.. iii) people smoke it anyway and the question is not bein addressed.. iv) it's great to get stoned!!!
Where do I stand?
by Bubba99 inthis is my first post on this site... i will post more details of my story later.. my spouse has obtained an unscriptural divorce.
does anyone know where that leaves me as to my being free to remarry?.
i noticed the following in the elders manual, the wording seems to contradict itself.
If you have doubts and want out and you still have family in the borg, I suggest you just fade away. No letters, no disassociation, no fighting, no nothing, just fade out. That way you get to keep the best of both worlds.
Your Top Ten Books
by GinnyTosken ini love the book lists on amazon; i get lost in them for hours.
recently someone asked me for book recommendations, and i thought it would be fun if we shared our lists of top ten books that helped us think our way out of the jw dogma.
im putting aside the obvious ones, like crisis of conscience and apocalypse delayed.. heres my list, in the order i discovered them as best i can recall.. ginny.
Forgot to mention Gandhi The Man, Eknath Eswaran.
i am new
by knight ini have read the various posts here an i have my own story to tell i amstill a witness not as active as i used to be but stillfaithful i think the main problem that jws have is that they put c.o's m.s's elders and the like on pedestals and when you do that you set yourself up for a letdown and when that person does something you dont think is right you are letdown but one should not let this block his/her relationship with jehovah.
If you have a personal relationship with God, what possible "encouragement" could you derive from an organization, any organization, much less a divisive, destructive religious cult that flatly says a personal relationship with God - absent their intervention - is impossible? That's encouragement?
Besides, if you have that personal relationship with God, what could an organization add that God can't provide if you need it?
Do you need some outside organization to enhance the relationship between you and your children? I suspect not.
WTBTS Monitoring Discussion Boards??????
by normie67 injust curious many say that the org monitors dbs, but anybody have concrete proof of this??
oh by the way at the recent ca dbs were mentioned from the platform!!!
the thought was "some jws were visting jehovahs witness discusssion boards and trying to correspond with some"...might not be exactly what was said(not an actual quote)...they mentioned put a doubt in your mind and start questioning your beliefs!!!
Thanks willy_think. The Jay-Dubs have become a caricature of themselves, becoming more and more comical every day.
The governing boobies have said that they "act as a prophet." Said so in the WT more than once. And all know they claim to be the channel of communication God is using. Heady claims. And how to judge them? By the same standards they set for all others who make such claims, by applying Deut.: 18:22, "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."
The WTB&TS is a FALSE PROPHET, pure and simple by its own definition.
And, as the scripture says, the WT Society is presumptuous, and is deserving of nothing but SCORN.
WTBTS Monitoring Discussion Boards??????
by normie67 injust curious many say that the org monitors dbs, but anybody have concrete proof of this??
oh by the way at the recent ca dbs were mentioned from the platform!!!
the thought was "some jws were visting jehovahs witness discusssion boards and trying to correspond with some"...might not be exactly what was said(not an actual quote)...they mentioned put a doubt in your mind and start questioning your beliefs!!!
Well of course they monitor these sites. That's one way they know they're being identified as a cult, and then react with a typically guilty conscience.
As for their warning about such sites endangering people's faith, well, if a person's faith is so weak that their hearts and minds can be changed by reading a few posts, then perhaps the JWs arguments aren't that convincing in the first place.
As stated elsewhere, cults attract a particular type of person. As people grow and evolve naturally, many outgrow the mental orientation that makes them vulnerable to the blandishments of a cult and they leave the JWs on their own accord. Same is true of people who were forcibly raised in a JW household. These people grow up, begin thinking for themselves, and reject the infantilism of the WTB&TS. That was the case with me.
The fear of the JWs to engage in public debate about their faith flys in the face of scriptural exhortations to always be ready to make your case for what you believe. Only cowards avoid such things.
Those boys in Brooklyn have been challenged to a debate right here on this board, and they're far too cowardly to respond - after all that foaming at the mouth they did in "JWs in the Divine Purpose." Now they're being hoisted on their own petard. Can't think of anyone who deserves it more. And the best they can do is issue their impotent threats that "Jehovah" is going to "get" all people like me, who call the WTB&TS exactly what it is: a damnable, dangerous, divisive, destructive CULT; and calling the GB what they are: knowing, deliberate LIARS (And by the way, Brooklyn Boys, God isn't going to do a damn thing about it.)
Electromagnetic Pulse Weaponry
by You Know injust a friendly reminder, that on any given day, merely one large mega-ton nuclear device exploded high in the atmosphere over the united states, could fry virtually every "unhardened" electrical device in the entire nation.
numerous prophecies speak about the fall of the oddly yoked anglo-american dyad.
the only thing at this point that remains unclear is exactly when the downfall will occur and how it will come about.
Oh, I acknowledge the EMP m'boy. I just don't believe in all that King of the North/King of the South crap. Or any of the other jokes you call prophecies wherein an insane and angry diety swoops down out of heaven and murders 99.98% of his children because they refuse to be sucked in by an equally insane fundamentalist cult.
But you go right ahead. Next, you'll be advancing the theory that this same diety is going to cause us to all come down with Hoof 'n' Mouth disease. Um, after he changes us all into cows, I mean.
Reading Recommendations
by Kristen ini'm a bookworm and would love to hear some of your recommendations.. besides the traditional coc, in search of christian freedom, etc.
books that help facilitate one's journey out, please feel free to share the titles you found helpful to your own growth after leaving the organization.. thanks a bunch!
The Third Eye - T. Lobsang Rampa
A dramatic illustration of other religions truth
Choices we have, choices we make....
by Sunchild in"when you're older, you'll understand.".
"when you're older, you'll learn to see things my way.".
"when you're older, you'll be cynical and bitter.
Your description of your father's behavior made me weak in the knees. That could have been my father you're describing; my dynamic between myself and my father you're describing. But I didn't do anything about that sick dynamic until I was 43, at least 22 years too late. But still it was done and I'm a better person for it. And it didn't do any good for my father, he didn't change at all. I did all the changing. Now he's 81 and still the same.
You go for it, girl. Go now. Go and don't look back. Go and stay gone. Go and become all your potential provides. And I hope for every tear that bastard caused you to shed you have a year of happiness and success. Take it from a fellow abusee, you couldn't be doing what you're doing any better.
You will let us know how you're doing in your new life?
Debate With The Governing Body
by Francois into my knowledge the governing body of the jws have not responded to my challenge to debate the proposition "jehovah's witnesses constitute a religious cult.".
i have said they wouldn't respond, and they won't.. for those of you who have a copy of "jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose," let me suggest you read how the jws taunted mainstream religious leaders with their refusal to debate, claiming their refusal constituted tacit admission of the falsity of their religious practices and beliefs.. now the shoe is on the other foot.
and the governing body is hiding in the deepest precints of 114 adams street.
Couldn't say. All I know is that the JWs went on a debate binge several decades ago, wanting to debate anyone and everyone and claimed that refusal to do so was evidence of false religion.
Now someone pops up out of the woodwork and wants to debate them! All of a sudden debate is bad. No debate for them.
Well, it doesn't take a genius to recognize a hypocrite I say.