In many religions of middle eastern and far eastern variety there are tales of god coming to mingle with men and invariably they are born of virgins. Christianity is not unique in these claims.
Frankly, since the personality is separate from the body, it is perfectly acceptable to posit that Jesus' body came about in the normal fashion, and that this fleshly vehicle was then imbued with the personality that was his before his incarnation on this planet.
And the virgin birth isn't the only hoary story in Christianity. There's the atonement doctrine. What an affront to diety to charge that His tender and compassionate love and forgiveness for his suffering children was not forthcoming until he saw his wholly blameless son bleeding and dying upon the cross of calvary.
And the illicit idea of original sin. Utter poppycock. Total bullshit. Fostered and conserved and preserved by the churches of christianity in order that it has a club with which to belabor its membership. God is supposed to be higher than we, and we would never presume to visit the sins of the father upon the children. Twaddle. Total twaddle.
Transubstantiation. Doesn't even merit a rebuttle.
The Immaculate Conception of Mary. Harrumph. The very term "immaculate" implying that there's something dirty about the act of procreation. It's an ability we share with God, after all.
However, it's pointless to argue logic with people who hold an emotionally based opinion.