Djeggnog said: "in the past, Jehovah used angels to communicate with men (Hebrews 1:1, 2), but among men He raised up many prophets to speak on His behalf, and, really, except for the archangel that God sent to us, the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest prophet among men that has ever lived here on earth, they were a ll of these men that prophesied, all represented Jehovah, all spoke in Jehovah's name, as did Jesus, as did Paul, as did Russell, as even do I. When I speak the words of God in your hearing, @Essan, it is it not I that is speaking, but you should know that it is Jehovah that is speaking to you." |
DJeggnogg you sound like the birdcatcher of ps91:3 from whom we need protection. What other reason could there possibly be for your words above?