its not sad but it sure is ironic!
R.E.M. losing my religion
i have always been a sucker for a good soppy love song, .
last night i was wading through my huge vinyl collection, pulled an album long-not heard and spun this track on the rack.
though penned almost forty years ago, i have to say, it is still a very handsome song indeed.. coming back to me.
its not sad but it sure is ironic!
R.E.M. losing my religion
it's the great right brain vs left brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
if clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the... brain and vice versa.
most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.
Interesting ! For the most part it spins clockwise but if I put my hand in front of the legs ,
then remove my hand it will reverse ! Maybe this has something to do with me being mixed handed
I write right hand throw left, deal cards left, hammer right etc .
he is the very last wwi vet.
frank woodruf buckles met in person with gw bush in the white house yesterday!!!
the guy did not look a day over 85...serioulsy.
well, it is what it is.
let me know what you think. w.once
Well done .......funny ,informative, eye-opening ! A picture indeed is worth a thousand words . How much more a video then ?
thanks again Caliber
i know that this has been mentioned before, but after a chat with a friend about this i decided to scan the article for people to use when chatting with jws.. it certainly has raised some eyebrows with the ones that i have spoken with.. juicy bits include :.
*** w05 9/1 p. 24 mennonites search for bible truth ***.
certain colonies forbid radio, tv, and music.
Thankyou for these revealing finds . People in cults or high control religions can't
see negative characteristics until they leave or are on the way out of the group .
This is why exit counsellors often use lets say the Mormons to help JW's see the control & manipulation
aspect of their religion . But here you have found a new or at least to me, a new group that provids an eye opening
direct comparison .These Mennonites may suffer somewhat more because of living in a more close situation but
comparison is very revealing . We can't bear to see the light when it is shone directly in our eyes but if is shone in anothers face
we can see it ! Also its always good to find statements whereby the WT makes the point for us !
it is amazing..
jeff .
This is a very heart warming video thanks for sharing !
driving through an area of town today and was told that that particular locale was once referred to as "goat hill" by the local jw's.
it was the affluent section of the city some 30-35 years ago.
middle class at best.
Yes that would be our North Hill Drive section of town !
yeah, sounds really 70's....... but i really wanna know!.
i'm an aries, march 24, so i'm on the cusp of pieces.. .
Aquarius ( 1 ) free thinking ---- believe they can make a difference !
it's just a basic slideshow presentation, but i think it might be the first slideshow on slideshare about jehovah's witnesses.
i got the idea from the recent threads about the do not call list.
Very well done, clear, concise,' respectful truth ! If theres one thing we all learned from the WT, it's how to advertise ,advertise
advertise ! Constant messages will eventually break through . Thankyou for your continued effort .!
i love a good coincidence.
it is the closest i get to the supernatural these days.
how about this one.. a couple of days ago i was working from my home office and while doing so was listening to a bbc radio 7 re-run of the 1960's radio comedy, "i am sorry i will read that again", with john cleese etc.
coincidences on the same thread
limbo girl said; her younger sister and my younger brother were the same age and attending the local high school together:
fifi40 said: 4 people who came from my home village
hope said: 4 people he went to school with from his little rural area school
leolaia said; Disneyland, tho we now lived in different states (neither of which was California), and this was in the middle of July, during peak attendance at the park, and we'd be at the same place within the crowd of people at the park.
hope said;1600 miles from Disneyland. We live in Canada, as we were standing in line to enter the gates ( there are numerous lines and long)
hope: Edited to add: We have a coincidence within a coincidence post. Another posted a Disneyland meeting also