In the same dictionary, the term self-centered has two definitions: 1) independent of outside force or influence: self-sufficient, and 2) concerned solely with one’s own desires, needs, or interests. While the first definition sounds like a virtue, the second is, again, morally pejorative and shame based.
When I break the word self-centered down into it’s two components and look at their meaning, I get a different picture. Again, self is me, my person, my being. Centered is defined as “emotionally stable and secure”. When I put these together they describe an emotionally stable and secure self.
Still I believe you must find the fine line between being self-absorbed and self-centred to the point of selfishness.
I have learned through counsel for the last year or so that you must care for yourself first in order to love others.I had been taught over my life the self-sacrifice was the greated virtue.(more happiness in giving than receiving ) But you must know who you are, and what your personal desires and needs are first , then when you know this..
reach out to others for shared love.
When you find your centre and another can accept your centre and vis versa... things should work out
“Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste.”
Charlotte Brontë
In other words life without external love is like food without seasoning
Actually love is the centre of the universe !