So glad you didn't say you are indifferent toward us, sometimes. Because that would be worse that hate, right? It would mean you are devoid of any feelings for us at all (FFF)
ALL emotions exist ONLY in our heads, and don't exist outside of a brain, i.e. there is no physical element that can be isolated and concentrated and sold as "pure love".(KS)
All emotions may exist only in our heads but do they not play a major roll in decision making , whereby we take action that may change
physical things we do in this world ? Do emotions not change or at least influence our reality & the choices we make ?
I just have this "feeling" the King Soloman sees logic and feelings as being totally set apart somehow... that rational thought
and conclusion can result , without emotional input of any kind. Are emotions mere hindrance to the thinking man ?
King Solomon what are your thoughts on this quote ? ......
In one study, a businessman, Elliot, suffered from a brain tumor that partially damaged his brain, specifically his prefrontal cortex—the emotional center of the brain. As a result, Elliot "lost the ability to experience emotion; and without emotion, rationality was lost and decision-making was a dangerous game of chance." (1) Without emotions, he could no longer analyze the experiences he had lived through, which left him with nothing to tell him whether a decision would be good or bad. Elliot's lack of emotional response to anything that he experienced led to a lack of understanding what is good and what is bad. This case seems to emphasize the importance of emotions in "rational" decision-making. Emotions "are fundamental building blocks out of which an intelligent and fulfilling life can be constructed
"Emotions are more than just whims or "following your heart;" emotions are a part of how we think "rationally,"