Posts by caliber

  • B_Deserter

    Why Do Atheists Return to Theism?

    by B_Deserter in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    from my new blog at

    1. cognizant dissident
    2. FlyingHighNow
    3. Galileo
  • caliber

    "I fight against the drowning, knowing I can never go into the swamp of cynicism because if I do, I may never come out again. I'm not put together that way. I have children who are more precious to me than my life, and every molecule in me wants to promise them we'll get through this. We won't blow up the world before they get a crack at doing all the things grown-ups get to do in this howling hoot of a party: stand on your own two feet, get your heart broken, get over it, vote, drive a car, not drive a car, get dog-tired doing something that makes you proud, play the radio station you want, wear your heart on your sleeve, dance on the table, make a scene, be ridiculous, be amazing, be stronger than you knew, make a sacrifice that matters, find out what you're made of, cook a perfect meal, read a perfect book, kiss for an hour, fall in love for keeps, make love, make a baby, stand over your own naked child weeping for dread and wonder at the miracle." "God's Wife's Measuring Spoons", Small Wonder, Barbara Kingsolver

    I too have seem this miracle right before my eyes several times over !

    What greater ,more loving proof could He have shown you ?


  • FlyingHighNow

    ******* Are you much healthier, now that you're out? *******

    by FlyingHighNow in
    1. watchtower
    2. medical

    much, much healthier.

    being a jw takes it's toll on people's physical and mental health.

    jw's are always sick.

    1. FlyingHighNow
    2. caliber
    3. keyser soze
  • caliber

    Things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to , or did they ? You must take life the way it comes

    at you and make the most of it . It's a learning experience, it's about adaption and readjustment ... never

    forget to count your blessings


  • llbh

    Is this sacred service?

    by llbh in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    i have had a bad day and thought that i eould share it with you to either cheer you up - glad i am not him.. story - my in laws are moving to a flat/appartment, and they had a load of rubbish to be moved from there by today so that the workmen can finish tommorow.they (the in laws) can not do to much as they are quite infirm.

    guess who did - in one - me!

    i said to my jw wife as i ran to her the meeting would really appreciate a hand here, she indicated that she really could not as she must get to meeting.

    1. caliber
    2. uninformed
    3. Hope4Others
  • caliber

    Sacred service is expressing of highest self, it comes from deep within; It is not mechanical;

    therefore it rules out most repetitious acts .


  • caliber

    Atheist in U.S. poll 4% ------ Atheist on JWD 90 % ?

    by caliber in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    ( one recent post indicated this 90% figure) .

    i don't wish to debate the pro's and con's of atheism, just help me understand your personal.

    reasonings for this huge difference in figures.

    1. Galileo
    2. caliber
    3. FlyingHighNow
  • caliber


    Thanks again for your input on this thread.The power of your statements comes from having lived them .... through

    the good and the bad.Also your candid honesty about your shifting thoughts about God and to-wards God.

    For me it produced huge credibility for your statements. I can honestly say that although you are a few years

    younger than me, that you have done way more living in this sometimes cruel world. I admire your feisty, determined

    spirit and your unabashed faith in God!
