The arguments that this god allowed brutality in order to accomodate brutal humans falls flat too. Just who was supposed to be in charge?
Satan is
"the god of this system of things." (2 Corinthians 4:4)
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
The arguments that this god allowed brutality in order to accomodate brutal humans falls flat too. Just who was supposed to be in charge?
Satan is
"the god of this system of things." (2 Corinthians 4:4)
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
But we've thrown away (or stuck in museums) these old medical books. No one is suggesting that we should use them as guidebooks today. No one believes they were divinely inspired or that they are in harmony with the latest medical books.
If you're suggesting we treat the OT the same way, then we are in agreement!
Old medical books may too serve a lesson... of what not to do.
books on say nuclear accidents and experiments can be a learning tool too !
however I would suggest that we focus less on old Testament for sure.
I have heard that many of Josef Mengele experments with twins have helped with medical things today such as in the field of genetics.
The notorious doctor of Auschwitz, Josef Mengele, has become an enigma of the twentieth century
but I wouldn't suggest that we repeat or praise to highly the tests he performed or give him too much credit for things learned from them
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
There is no way to take our "modern morals" and look back at some OT passages and NOT be distrubed by them.
And rightly so.
likewise many medical practices of centures ago are viewed as foolish, disgusting and barbaric ....
hindsight is 20/20.
The old Mosaic Law versus the new Law of Grace
Precedents takes time to establish through human experience and hardship it seems .
Is sin hurtful because it is forbidden; but or it is forbidden because it is hurtful ?
What is meant by the Old law being a tutor leading to the Christ ?
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
For some reason I can't help but picture you standing in the battlefield saying this to a pregnant Cannanite who has just witnessed her entire family murdered, and with Joshua's sword poised in the air about to slice open her belly at your compassionate and gracious god's command.
I don't think she had the "time and space" for that complete manifestation you speak of~~~ Smmcroberts
Ecl. 3 also adds this below.. ( I will not justify nor judge... but" have faith" that all things will be made right by God in time)
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Faith, however, is not simply "trust"
Faith... is "the assured expectation of thing hoped for (so, yes, one CAN "trust" that it will occur, but there's more to it than that)... the evident demonstration of reality... though NOT beheld."
Faith, then, is believing in something/someone one CAN'T see... with one's eyes (of flesh). ~~ Aguest
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
"The OT has some very difficult passages in it, some horrific ones, yes, as one would expect from that type of collection of books.
The various books are reflections of the world the authors ( and editors) lived in.
They lived in a broken and fallen world in need of redemption, how can we expect the books written by them to be any different?"
In addition to this ...Is it not best to try and see the long term bigger picture as outlined by the New Testament ? I offer the following as food for thought.
When God is criticized for displaying His wrath in the OT, most of that criticism is centered on the time of Joshua and the Israelites entering the Promised Land. As a nation, Israel had entered into a covenant with God, which bound all of the nation to abide by God's standards of holiness (see Deut 29:10-15). Even in modern warfare do not huge numbers of innocent people suffer death or harm ?
At the heart of this question is the consistency of God's character.
Is God's character is limited to either mercy or judgment but He cannot display both ?
Why not allow the time and space for the complete manifestation of God's grace ?
The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. (Ex 34:6-7)
The LORD said to me, "Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes." (Hos 3:1)
I believe God's nature and character includes both mercy and love together with anger and judgment
A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace . ~~~ Eccl 3:8
ricky gervais tweeted this 11/14/12 and i totally agree with it:.
"there are good atheists and bad atheists.
there are good believers and bad believers.. no god has ever changed that.".
There are good atheists and there are bad atheists.
There are good believers and bad believers.
So far, your only focus has been on "bad atheists/good believers", which is really a good chunk of the problem.
Even John Wayne talked about good and Indians in the same sentence ......right ?
I think it is normal to affirm those we truly admire.... and still show consideration to those whose core beliefs appear to run contrary to ours ..
to ask anyone to compromise their convictions just to please us is asking too much IMO
ricky gervais tweeted this 11/14/12 and i totally agree with it:.
"there are good atheists and bad atheists.
there are good believers and bad believers.. no god has ever changed that.".
A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?I will happen right after an "everlasting peace treaty" is signed between Hamas and Isreal
ricky gervais tweeted this 11/14/12 and i totally agree with it:.
"there are good atheists and bad atheists.
there are good believers and bad believers.. no god has ever changed that.".
Prv. 15: 1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger
So short, so simple but simply true
ricky gervais tweeted this 11/14/12 and i totally agree with it:.
"there are good atheists and bad atheists.
there are good believers and bad believers.. no god has ever changed that.".
Some feel that concept of God is the force that regulates of the balance between strong & weak , forming the foundation of the concept of the "rule of law "
Rule of Law Definition:
That individuals, persons and government shall submit to, obey and be regulated by law, and not arbitrary action by an individual or a group of
individuals ...Distinguished from the "rule of man"..governance and rules of conduct are set out and may be altered at the discrection of a few select group of persons .
Deeply held convictions spill out through our written thoughts.....
tolerance is made more difficult according to the "rule of law" we see as the absolute final authority .
Regardless of this however I feel common courtesy is pretty easy to figure out if we choose to practice it .
Troubles arrive when statements of deep convictions are seen as being projected upon others
it's official!
from the website:.
november 9, 2012. annual meeting report .
That slave is the small, composite group of anointed brothers serving at world headquarters during Christ’s presence who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food. When this group work together as the Governing Body, they act as “the faithful and discreet slave.””
The Governing Body does not, by itself, prepare and dispense spiritual food . In fact, few, if any, articles are written by them. Others write the articles; others dispense the food. Some of these are not even of the "anointed "
The Governing Body (note the capital "G" and the capital "B") was not formally established as such until 1971 . From about 1932 to 1971
the ones primarily looked to as directing the org. were the President and Vice-President
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so…48 “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ (Mt. 12:47, 48)
“Then that slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will, will be beaten with many strokes. 48 But the one that did not understand and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. . . .(Luke 12:47, 48)
The faithful slave is not identified by being commissioned to feed the domestics. Their judgement is based on how well
they preform their duties.. is it not too early to say how well they have done ?
Because the master's arrival seems to delay , is it not so the his arriving will be a future event , where
both the faithful &
unfaithful slave receive their reward and appointment ?