"bloodguilt " Taking a blood transfusion or even being slack in field service
(something contributing to murder or manslaughter )
agape i have grown to hate this word.. agape (pron.
: /'g?pi?/[1] or /?'g?
?pe?/; classical greek: ?
"bloodguilt " Taking a blood transfusion or even being slack in field service
(something contributing to murder or manslaughter )
agape i have grown to hate this word.. agape (pron.
: /'g?pi?/[1] or /?'g?
?pe?/; classical greek: ?
"Worldly" is generally a complement. (in the world ) Materialism and ego are things that considerd to be "of the world."
"Spiritual" .. attends all meetings.. obedient to WT
"a brother" only JW's
"Independent '.... reliance on one's own will and judgement
" A Prophet.".. merely one who proclaims things already recorded
Used in a sentence.....
" Brothers we should prove to be faithful prophets proclaiming the truth from the Faithful slave not getting caught up in worldly ways
to let the independent thinking destroy our spiritual paradise". ...
evidently this generation will pass away soon .... it is just around the corner !"
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
How am I more of a carrier than someone who has had the shot? It’s about the immune system fighting the virus…right…the shot doesn’t produce some invisible shield around you, does it?
Also make sense of this... right now if you visit any of the nursing homes you must wear a mask if you have not had the shot
The shot in Canada is estimated to be 45% effective ...so what about the risk of 55 % of visitors that had the shot but they are still
infected or still may be carrying or about to get the flu ?
When I was in school anything under 50% was called a failing grade ... you do not pass
The problem with the virus is you are contagious up to 3 days before symptoms appear so you could have it and not know it and pass it around
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
no longer get flu shots:
- not after having done so during the four years 1997- 2001 (when my then employer used to provide flu shots to any members of the work force who wished to receive these).
During those four years, I have never been so sick in my life, before or since ~~~Bungi Bill
Getting the flu shot will not make you sick for 4 years ~~~Barrold bonds
Call me stupid but I think the above poster means he has been sick in each of the four years in question not for four years solid, the years
they took the shots
Is this true or false ?
It does go on to list some people reporting reactions that include a couple of days of body aches and fever (which many would consider to be flu-like symptoms)
Is this true or false ?
The fact that so many say they DID get the flu just after getting the shot seems to indicate that one CAN. Maybe it's a different strain; maybe the shot triggers something dormant... but I have learned that when dealing with the medical industry, it's really not very prudent to say what will/will not occur or is/is not. ~~ Aguest
Are we to believe the the producers of the shots know everything... have studied everything... that because you don't know something it can't hurt you ?.. that a person would be so stupid as to take another shot after an adverse reaction ... that you might want to pass on a word of caution for others ?
I school of hard knocks teaches you that noone cares about you like yourself...
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
Consider a hypothetical drug which reduces the relative risk of colon cancer by 50% over five years. Even without the drug, colon cancer is fairly rare, maybe 1 in 3,000 in every five-year period. The rate of colon cancer for a five-year treatment with the drug is therefore 1/6,000, as by treating 6,000 people with the drug, one can expect to reduce the number of colon cancer cases from 2 to 1.
In this situation math facts say there is a reduction of 50% colon cancer
But is it not even more important to know the realistic expectations for this drug ?
I agree the word fact can be abused and misused ...............sorry
Those who deliberately minipulate facts for profit have the most accountabilty I feel however.
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
Vaccinations are good. Glad we agree.
I red arrow did wonders for sure
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
The 45% reduction in influenza attributed to the vaccine refers to the relative risk reduction. This stat is criticized as it embellishes the effectiveness an intervention. In medical decision making this is referred to as framing bias. One might expect to hear a pharmaceutical representative to use a relative risk reduction in support of their treatment. However, it is inappropriate for a physician to use. A more appropriate value is the absolute risk reduction. For the influenza vaccine, this generally ranges from 1 to 3%. This means you would need to vaccinate between 33 and 99 people in order to prevent one case of flu like symptoms.
Consider a hypothetical drug which reduces the relative risk of colon cancer by 50% over five years. Even without the drug, colon cancer is fairly rare, maybe 1 in 3,000 in every five-year period. The rate of colon cancer for a five-year treatment with the drug is therefore 1/6,000, as by treating 6,000 people with the drug, one can expect to reduce the number of colon cancer cases from 2 to 1.
The raw calculation of absolute risk reduction is a probability (0.003 fewer cases per person, using the colon cancer example above). Authors such as Ben Goldacre believe that this information is best presented as a natural number in the context of the baseline risk ("reduces 2 cases of colon cancer to 1 case if you treat 6,000 people for five years"). [ 3 ] Natural numbers, which are used in the number needed to treat approach, are easily understood by non-experts
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
Hubby has had these shots these past 4 years, together with quite a severe flu attack each year. I'm going to continue to pass.
Loz x
what I meant was that receiving the flu shots each year during that four year period never prevented me from getting the flu.
FACT.... on National news today in Canada
Flu vaccine about 45% effective this year
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
Well whatever it is that some folks get when they get the shot, according to them (because I've never had a flu shot) some people get the "cold/flu like" symptoms while others feels as if they're at deaths door, when you're at that point, doesn't matter what the technical term is, the body is seriously ailing from something brought on from the innoculation and in my book it doesn't make sense for a "cure" to make me "sick" with same symptoms the "cure" is suppost to keep you from.
exactly I don't want flu-like symptoms headache fever , sweating and terribling so bad you can't getting out of bed for three days
Haven't had any flu's in 15 years since not taking the shot. Only had the flu as an adult once... right after getting the flu shot
Both me and the wife have exactly the same allergic reaction at exactly the same time after a flu shot ?
What would be the odds of that ? How many people just in this topic alone have had the same occurence ?
Possible side effects from the injected vaccine include:
These side effects usually occur soon after the vaccine is administered and last 1-2 days ( a least three solid days in bed )
don't tell me I wasn't sick please !!!!!!
myth 1)
You can catch the flu from the vaccine.
The vaccine is made from an inactivated virus that can't transmit infection. So people who get sick after receiving a flu vaccination were going to get sick anyway. It takes a week or two to get protection from the vaccine. But people assume that because they got sick after getting the vaccine, the shot caused their illness.
Both me and the wife and several other people I know must have "mental issues " right ?
"going to get sick anyway ".. the fact that I haven't been sick before or since then as no berring at all on this issue
read a very interesting opinion article on cnn last night.
"why i raise my kids without god".. .
the writer aluded to the fear of the possibility of one's life ending forever (along with our beloved children's).
Fear of death has never been a reason for my faith.
Is wondering what the purpose in life is.... fear ? Wanting your life to mean something ?
If you have reasons to both love God and to fear Him, is there a need to separate out your intentions at any given time?
Can you only love your mate if you have fear of losing them ?
Is Godly fear or dreadful fear one in the same ?