JoinedTopics Started by caliber
H4O's new do !
by caliber inso how do you all like her new hairdo ?
so when she ask me about it , i say well, i've loved you through blond.
brunette, frosted ..... it's just another color !.
Be a Religious Paramedic
by caliber inwas recently in a web posting where the person did not want to know about my.
coping skills, which i believed i outlined very clearly, but my raw feelings about the provisions provided by the wt, at the exact moment back in time when these events occurred.. the idea of revisiting and focusing on these things runs so very foreign to my thinking, makeup and psyche ,that it took me a few days to sort out my thoughts.
the following illustration reveals how i feel about revisiting negative experiences so here goes the illustration i am a paramedic being asked this question.
Intro: I'm ONE of Jehovah's Witnesses
by caliber infrom the very first introductions to strangers we were reminded, (for a good witness to god of course)=(wt) that yes.
indeed i am one of jehovah's witnesses.
even as a fully dedicated believer through the merits of my own workmanship i might add i did not see that my religion.
Atheist in U.S. poll 4% ------ Atheist on JWD 90 % ?
by caliber in( one recent post indicated this 90% figure) .
i don't wish to debate the pro's and con's of atheism, just help me understand your personal.
reasonings for this huge difference in figures.
A World To Believe In
by caliber inits very motivating because we can rise above confusion and turmoil to "live & dream once more",.
you gave me faith.
you gave me a love to believe in.
left brain (Christ ) right brain (God ) brilliant or B.S. ? comments
by caliber inmany sites on the webb have discussed left brain -right brain topics, but this one i think is very different !
"artifical intelligence from the bible !
Histories ultimate neat freak Adolf Hitler!!!
by caliber insorry for the red, remember the commercial "i'm stuck on bandaids and bandaids stuck on me.
" well ha ha i'm stuck on red and red is stuck on me.. order and neatness are often equated with purity and righteousness.
how many of us have not heard the expression cleanliness is next to godliness the saying goes.
roaring lion or squawking chicken which are you ? please respond anyone !
by caliber inhere are my personal definitions for each (feel free to destroy these definition if you feel so inclined ).
a. a roaring brave, loud, no retreat, frontal attach , "going down in a blaze of glory " shot by the hunters who found you because of your loud roar all throughout the jungle !
you hope bravery will inspire your brothers.. b. a squawking chicken cautious, timid about danger but those ungodly squawks alert all the other chickens & the farmer who then shoots the would be danger, a fox.
New Class system revealed!
by caliber inha ha ha !
that was just to get your attention !
here is the class system as it appears to me in wt world .