I should clarify. When I say "a lot of their beliefs", I am referring to things like loving your neighbour, respect for parents, having a close family, being a good person in the community, obeying the laws, well mannered and polite. Things they preach and most of them somewhat actually do...
But there are a lot of fundamental beliefs I strongly disagree with now, for which I can freely speak about without having to worry about my trained answer. And because of that, I've had some of the best discussions about religion since I've left. Not to mention I have a lot more respect for people who don't share the same beliefs as I have.
I remember my old boss and I talked for 4 straight hours one day from the time I got to work until lunch time. I finally had to stop to tell him I had work to do. But you know what? I'm sure all the elders were concerned with was that I didn't put in "service time" on my card! LOL!