This was one of the biggest things that rocked me in awakening.
How we could ever go to court and make the victims re-live their ordeal and see the abuser in court with all of the cross examining and junk that goes on. bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
This was one of the biggest things that rocked me in awakening.
How we could ever go to court and make the victims re-live their ordeal and see the abuser in court with all of the cross examining and junk that goes on.
would you do a ray franz deal and write a book or keep quiet and live out the rest of your life in bethel?.
would you keep reading the watchtower magazine?.
Hi John Aquilla
It is so sad to contemplate - too sad. I think that is why all of the 70+ 80+ year olds now in (that I know) are depressed and clutching to this generation idea because they don't want to die in this system.
One relative of mine said she knows something is wrong, but knows its the truth still.
???????? Madness
just thought this was interesting and wanted to see all of your thoughts and opinions on it.. watchtower, november 15, 2014, simplified study edition, pages 11-12:.
9 let us examine the words of three brothers who for many years have worked closely with members of the governing body.
one brother mentioned: while this has indeed been a unique privilege of service, the close association has from time to time revealed that, although spirit anointed, these brothers are imperfect.
The GB have replace Christ with themselves.
People cannot separate Christ from the GB, or Jehovah from the borg.
It is one and the same to them.
So sad
do you think any of the members of the governing body have at one time in their lives committed an immoral sex act but never confessed?
remember leo greenlees.
fornication, adultery or something else?
Hey there was a CO who was disfellowshipped last year. That is true heard it first hand.
But he reason why was heard 3rd hand so it could be untrue. I have heard it from about 5 different third hand sources though so I suppose it is true (just like the Smurf stories of old)
Story was he was visiting a prostitute in his territory for his own purposes. She also was being studied with by a sister. Well when he visited the local cong this lady was invited to the Sunday talk. When she saw the speaker and told the sister (who knew this lady's profession) that she knew him, and that he was one of her clients - well that was the end of it.
So anything is possible!
i remember in our congregation, there were a few older pioneer sisters who would start counting their time early - even before the service arrangement - by standing at a street corner and holding the magazines up in front of them and hoping that any passersby might stop to take one on their way to work or whatever.
as a fresh, new dub, i had heard about this "street-witnessing" work, but there was only one time i ever actually saw one of these older sisters doing this.
and even then i was shocked and embarrassed for her.... because this poor old sister was standing there, all by herself, holding up the watchtower & awake magazines, yet looking as sad and depressed as she could possibly ever look, her whole mouth was turned down just totally sad as she stood there, observing all the "dead" people walking around, hurrying to catch buses, get kids to school, get to work, etc.
Yes used to do early morning street work. I remember I had a taxi driver say "I wouldn't wipe my bum with one of those" (meaning the mags) and I repied "Ohh no far too slippery, you would be better with one of these" and handed him a tract.
I can't imagine doing street work now.
hello, i am certainly new to all of this.
i have recently been studying the prophecy's, and i was wondering if they are of any importance at all?
Cofty - the may have been written by different people, but the teachings came mainly from the apostles and Paul. Most of the apostles were unlettered. So if the writings are false, explain how it circulated in a non-internet society. It is noted by many scolars that you could not preach the resurrection of Jesus to such a degree if it were a lie in those times.
How did this man (Jesus) born of a poor family "pull this off". Birth place, silver coins...Impossible. (I will come back with specifics)
Yes you could find writings that apply to Prince Charles, but you could not find some 40 books written over such a period of time that could - with every parallel pointing to him. This is what I am saying about cherry picking. I could even find a prophecy applying to me I am sure maybe the wicked slave :-). But anyway look at the Hebrew writings as a whole and see.
I will come back but after the weekend, I am unfortunately caught up the weekend, to answer Viviane also with specific scriptures that relate to Jesus.
after leaving the organisation 10 years ago i fought with everything i had to stay in my marriage and with my three children.
after a tumultuous number of years trying to maintain a happy family life while living in a divided home, it's finally over.
the religion is single handedly responsible for destroying my marriage and my family.
What could I have done differently? Well, that's a hard one.
I couldn't bear the divide in my marriage any longer. My wife refused over a period of ten years to look into one single issue that I had investigated and found to be corrupt, untrue or morally wrong. Not one thing. I found that very difficult to accept. I always thought that she might have a 'lighbulb moment' over matters like disfellowshipping or blood as she is devoted to her children. I always held a bit of hope that she would perhaps mentally leave the religion one day. I was wrong.
Hi Jambon
Totally heartbroken to hear this and the other stories of broken marriages due to this thing. Good people are being hurt.
As I read this something jumped inside of me, and it has been plaguing me for some time on this forum. I have seen tonnes of videos on how to "witness" to a witness but I too have not found it easy to open peoples eyes.
I think they are missing something (great intentions though) which led me to an idea.
Just a disclaimer first - what I say is not a judgement on what anyone should have done or has not done and also I am coming at this from the scriptural angle.
I have found that when we argue over doctrine, translation, even GB conduct - the "victim" cannot accept it fully. In their mind "this is the truth" - these things we argue about are some sort of aberation, lie from Satan, lie from mentally diseased apostates, etc - it can't be true because "we have the truth". Know what I mean?
Infact arguing over doctrine accomplishes nothing i.e- I could have a two hour conversation about the Cross / Stake discuss the greek, how the GB have misquoted scripture, etc. In all that nothing would be accomplished and you actually lose the "meaning" of what the cross meant.
Another thing is, the person cannot distinguish Jah from the WTBS, in their mind they are the same. They do not even equate Jesus in there. This is the biggest crime that they have replaced Jesus with this ridiculous notion of FDS. This is where we start.
Here is my idea and it is based on one scripture - 2 Cor 4:14-16, read it not in NWT. Basically when you turn them to Jesus the veil will be lifted. It is hard to put it all in writing and I know I will get hammered from the doubters, but that is ok
So as a husband with a JW wife (will get to the wives), when you find Jesus for real it will change you, your peace, your prayers. No doctrinal debates, just great teaching on Jesus (we have hours of stuff you can use from the NWT that you can use - no translatonal debates). She will see the Lord in you fall in love with him and the veil will rise. You can control this process by your actions.
With a wife of JW husband, the process is similar, but you are not able to control when he falls in love with the Lord as much - but for men - I found instead of struggling to "imitate" him, when I would let him dwell in me, this had a profound effect.
SO HERE IS WHAT I PROPOSE - I really want to help - as a tester we form a group of 3/4 people and work on stuff to say and do based on the principle at 2 Cor. We tweak and refine. I can supply the bible info, really great stuff I have found outside the borg that we can use the NWT with so no red flags are raise. We compare notes, meet regularly and see. If we crack it we could help save a lot of marriages in this horrible predicament. We can report our endeavours back to this group of wonderful people here.
Also, you will find the beautiful Lord I did not know for 40 years.
Anyway, it was a thought PM me if you are interest in throwing around this idea.
hello, i am certainly new to all of this.
i have recently been studying the prophecy's, and i was wondering if they are of any importance at all?
Wow I woke up to this thread. Can I just say to Vivienne and Cofty that there is more than Isaiah that points to Jesus. Infact all of the writings from Moses to the Gospels point to him.
How can one man take all of the paralells relating to Esau-Jacob, Moses, Aaron, The Tabernacle, The Red Sea, prophecies relating to King David, heaps of stuff in Psalms - (the list is endless) fit into his life?
These passages all fit together. Then there is the issue of how the Jews could so easily kill Jesus for saying one thing but could not stop his apostles preaching a whole lot of lies? It was not possible in that time - a good video is "Case for Christ" - he does quite a good job investigating whether Jesus was real and the culture at the time.
Also, if these fishermen were such geniuses to understand the whole of the written word at the time and contort it to fit Jesus life - that would be a miracle in itself.
I understand there are people here that are hurt by this organisation and don't believe. But let's not make the same mistakes that the org made us do. Cherry pick one scripture and misapply it.
I went through the same doubts when my blinders where taken off - basically how can I trust anything. But as I began to deprogramme all of the crap and look at the bible as a whole, you can't deny that Jesus was the Messiah that was prophecied - it all points to him. It's quite incredible when that picture starts taking shape but it takes a while.
hello, i am certainly new to all of this.
i have recently been studying the prophecy's, and i was wondering if they are of any importance at all?
Hi EA916
The prophecies relating to Jesus are important to me. If you google probability jesus fulfilling prophecies you will see University studies and the numbers are crazy.
That's what helped me, but the crazy JW fear-mongering obey now prophecies don't mean anything to me.
i just wanted to introduce myself and say a big hello to all of my mentally diseased friends.. i say friends because i have been lurking for some time so it feels like home (us lurkers are a bit scared and cautious so it takes a while).
i won't bore you with too many details, but i am a born in, currently serving as the cobe of a congregation.
my wife and i have pioneered for the last 10 years and were shaken awake by that ridiculous 15th july 2013 wt about the generation and 1914.. my wife who is much smarter than me has questioned for years.
I just want to say thank you again to all of who welcomed me. Here are some of my replies. Sorry I have not individually responded to you all.
TTATTelder - I will PM you struggling to find the time this week, but will be in touch
Freddo - forgot to answer you about the kids - no kids - praise Jah for that, we are finding it hard enough to escape ourselves let alone kids also.
Oubliette - it's not a cult UNTIL you try and leave :-)
richgirl - yes I hope we can sow seeds of doubt before we depart.
Tenacious - I can relate about the meetings. I will sit there reading whatever they quote in context, I also love for the commentaries and interlinear. Don't give up on God and search for Jesus and you will find peace in this madness.
nicolaou - Jesus yoke is light. Feel free to have a go, it's ok. I know there are a lot hurting because of this thing and I don't mean to preach.
bradford - yes I have seen that DAing or DFingn does not necessarily help the entrapped. They are truly brainwashed. I feel for your situation but at least you are in it together. Do you believe in God still?
Love to you all