I don't know why he thinks it is so funny that his wife is Irish?
This man is supposed to be part of a Faithful and Discreet Slave appointed directly by Jesus?
I think not.
thanks to wifibandit and pixel for collaborating on this.
more to come.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxce4duetw8.
I don't know why he thinks it is so funny that his wife is Irish?
This man is supposed to be part of a Faithful and Discreet Slave appointed directly by Jesus?
I think not.
if you recall, i'm just coming to grips with ttatt and atheism after a few years of doubts.
made a long post around here, a while ago, talking about the very subject.
but, anyways.... so the other day, my wife was telling me how she was just exhausted and "peopled out.
We were exactly where you are last year. Don't worry it takes time to de-progam the guilt.
We found that we could read our bible and worship God without them. So now we relish any chance to miss the meetings and find we feel closer to God when we don't go.
Does your wife have doubts too?
Praying for you both
so we all know that "crazy" brother or sister.
every kingdom hall has one.
they give the best comments (from a hilarious perspective), have experiences with the "demons", but most importantly, they are on about 10 deifferent kinds of medications.
Hey humblepotato
It takes just as much faith to be an atheist as it does to believe in God.
There are a lot here who can give you the atheists perspective, but I am still a believer. I am also on this awakening journey - one thing I am trying to do is not let the BORG ruin my trust in everything.
We are victims of mind control and so before you throw out God give him as much chance as you give the opposing view.
In relation to Demons - I do believe in the supernatural realm but the JW's use it to scare people where as the bible says we are not under Satan's authority.
a member of the writing department was gracious enough to allow me to interview him about the "overlapping generation" doctrine.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eo1o5qmagu.
i am not da or df, however anyone that knows me, is aware of the fact that i'm an apostate.
i help my witness dad, in his business two days a week, the business is in a public place, where witnesses often visit.. recently some witnesses, from my former congregation, have visited my dad, (not knowing, that i would be there).
yesterday a friend of my dad's came to visit my dad, and as he approached i said "hey fred, how are you?
Didn't you know that beards are demonized because Papa Smurf had one :-)
Hardly how Jesus would treat someone. Sorry you have had this experience.
sometime during or after my conversion to jehovah witnesses 55 years ago , i felt it was my calling , duty , mission , to preach the word , and witness to as many people as i could about the watchtower`s interpretation of the bible that i believed was the truth.. and may i presume i am not alone there .i feel many if not all would have had similar thoughts.. without being presumptuous i think i have found my real calling in life , in doing what little i can to add my 2 cents worth in exposing this religion for what a fraud it actually is ,especially to the newbies , because most of us here have already found ttatt .. so witnessing to the truth about jehovah`s witnesses on this board , gives me much more pleasure than i ever had witnessing for the watchtower organization.
and this site / board has enabled me to do that , thank you simon ,ang, and company.. smiddy.
I am sure I am not alone when I say this community has been a lifeline.
I lurked for over a year.
Thank you to all of you who contribute and share!
tomorrow's wt study, paragraph 4 says this - "the early bible students understood the expression rendered in the king james version "my brethren" to refer to those who would rule with christ as well as to all of mankind after they are restored to earthly perfection.".
rutherford decided in 1923 to change this teaching, and create an elite group of christians.
for 92 years the men running the wtbts have perpetuated & embellished this false teaching - especially so during the past three years - and hidden the bible truth about christ's brothers from millions of people fearful to question the org - created doctrine!.
Funny, because everyone who accepts Jesus as Lord is anointed.
No one is more special than anyone else
The Mormons also twist John 10:16, but clearly Jesus is talking to the Jews about the Gentiles.
Many witnesses do not know that the GB teach the Jesus is only the Mediator for the anointed because of the scripture in Heb 9 saying he is the Mediator of a New Covenant.
However, I love to raise this as an innocent question with them and say that 1 Tim 2:5 says he is the mediator for ALL mankind.
This two group teaching really makes no sense in light of the scriptures. We are all Christs brothers!
would you do a ray franz deal and write a book or keep quiet and live out the rest of your life in bethel?.
would you keep reading the watchtower magazine?.
I have a 94 year elderly sister friend that I’ve known for about 45 years. She still pioneers and has relatively good health. She told me she knows for a fact that she will not die because she has sacrificed everything and Jehovah will reward her for all her sacrifices. I will never tell her the truth at this point. What good would it do?
I agree John Aquilla, we have aged parents and tried to wake them up. Caused them much grief so we backed off. I could cry when I see the old "faithful" ones. They could not handle the truth. I do believe God knows their hearts.
http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/maincasescreen.cfm?dist=0&doc_id=2109889&doc_no=s226656&search=party&start=1&query_partylastnameororg=watchtower bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
Hi Fisherman
I don't know your story but I wonder if you have ever sat with a grown woman who has been molested by a predator in the congregation.
You see the tears, the total life meltdown. I read a report that said it was basically the worse thing you can do to another human because it destroys every foundation of love, trust, self esteem. It is reported that most abuse victims become substance abusers because of the deep pain.
You see, we here are not arguing a point of law. We are saying if there is a "known" child abuser attending the parents of children in the congregation should know. At the moment the WTBTS policies actually protect the predator.
So my point is - yes - go to court if someone is being unjustly accused of it, however where abuse has happened - FIX IT - don't hurt the victims any more than they have been hurt. Don't be proud - admit a mistake or an oversight.
Why waste donated monies on court - our donations are paying for all these armies of lawyers to be housed at Bethel.
I would hazzard a wager - if the brothers actually helped these victims, not disfellowshipped them and played the blame game - but had support systems in place - a huge percentage would never end up in court.
BUT we are not interested in helping people - we are interested in building Kingdom Halls and printing really crappy literature.
sorry this is duplicate because i posted the other one in private and did not mean to.. hey guys,.
fade started.. no longer the cobe as of this week.
had the co last week and managed to relieve myself of it.
SORRY this is duplicate because I posted the other one in Private and did not mean to.
Hey Guys,
Fade started.
No longer the cobe as of this week. Had the CO last week and managed to relieve myself of it. No red flags were raised.
First time in 10 years - I can't wait to stop pioneering, that is the next step to happen - probably in the next month or two.
Plan to stay an elder till we are closer to the fade - hoping to free up some mental space now.
Keep you posted. Thanks for your support