Keep searching you will find literally hundreds of incorrectly translated scriptures.
Worse still they are using the english NWT to translate to the other languages. I speak another language and the translation gets even worse.
the wt march 2017, p.11, par.
13 quotes ephesians 4:8 as saying, "the bible refers to them as 'gifts in men.
however, the org's own kingdom interlinear translation (and every other bible translation) gives a truthful translation of the verse: .
Keep searching you will find literally hundreds of incorrectly translated scriptures.
Worse still they are using the english NWT to translate to the other languages. I speak another language and the translation gets even worse.
i'm at my quasi-thanksgiving dinner with relatives.
i hear a haunting sound from another room.
"is that a children's song?
I don't know if it is because I was in it, but I swear they are getting dumber. Or was I that stupid? Everytime I talk with someone they seem to not be able to have a mildly deep conversation anymore.
so the new jw hq is to be in warwick and no longer that bleak architectural fixture on the brooklyn skyline.
actually it makes more sense after all, upstate new york is a more suitable place to have a unicorn ranch than in a city.
but it is just as easy to produce a drizzle of fairy dust out in the country as it had been in ny.
ohh berrygerry that is too funny yet so true
i was never a jw , so have millions of questions .
please, how does an elder become an elder and how much trust does or should a jw put in an elder .?
If you want to be an elder in 2 years, start pioneering, if you can give good talks even better. Show up for anything to do with "theocratic" activities, always have the CO for a mean, invite individually the elders for a meal. You don't even have to read your bible - but know your daily text back to friend. You could be secretly watching porn and playing violent video games, it won't make a difference :-). As other have referred to - a good brown tongue will get you there even quicker. Also, having a "stepford" wife in order will help.
There is no holy spirit involved. I was given assembly parts while being awake - how funny.
just thought we could have a concise thread listing the signs of a high control, or cult-like group:.
feel free to add to the list:.
the true sign of a cult-like group is:.
How they react when you ask a simple question. Having no right to your own ideas.
hi there i don't watch much of the propaganda on anymore but i did catch the november broadcast.. i think these guys are either evil or controlled by someone who is incredibly skilled at mind control.. firstly, they establish their authority by saying "everything" else is a lie - you can't trust media or anyone.
"there is no inspiration today.." but they somehow have the direct connection with god - yuck.. then, they proceed with that disgusting "shunning" drama - but now it is not called shunning, (around 24 mins) the mother said... "if we were to stand between levi and the discipline he needs we would in affect be blocking an expression of jehovah's love from reaching him...".
i am so angry at this, what a load.
Thanks for your comments guys. I think their beliefs are so foreign to me, but at the end of the day I am happy for people to believe what they want.
It is the not being able to leave that really gets me. If I were a millionaire I would lawyer up and setup a class action to even get that changed.
hi there i don't watch much of the propaganda on anymore but i did catch the november broadcast.. i think these guys are either evil or controlled by someone who is incredibly skilled at mind control.. firstly, they establish their authority by saying "everything" else is a lie - you can't trust media or anyone.
"there is no inspiration today.." but they somehow have the direct connection with god - yuck.. then, they proceed with that disgusting "shunning" drama - but now it is not called shunning, (around 24 mins) the mother said... "if we were to stand between levi and the discipline he needs we would in affect be blocking an expression of jehovah's love from reaching him...".
i am so angry at this, what a load.
Hi there I don't watch much of the propaganda on anymore but I did catch the November broadcast.
I think these guys are either evil or controlled by someone who is incredibly skilled at mind control.
Firstly, they establish their authority by saying "everything" else is a lie - you can't trust media or anyone. "there is no inspiration today.." but they somehow have the direct connection with God - yuck.
Then, they proceed with that disgusting "shunning" drama - but now it is not called shunning, (around 24 mins) the mother said..
"if we were to stand between Levi and the discipline he needs we would in affect be blocking an expression of Jehovah's love from reaching him..."
I am so angry at this, what a load. No you are not shunning your own child you are allowing an "expression" of Jehovah's love to reach him - I am sure any shunned child can feel that love right?
I think this is a human rights violation - I would love to find a human rights legal body who would tackle this.
Sorry for the rant - but this is a new level of evil I think.
so as i announced last week, my wife and i started our fade and i sent in a letter to our body that i was stepping down and cited the arc as the reason and insisted that we not be bothered.
my wife told a few relatives in person that we weren't going to attend meetings any longer (immediate shunning occurred, the new videos must be effective) and that what we found with the arc shocked us etc etc.
i have an inside track on how this is all going down by an awake elder on the body, co told them to handle the matter quickly.
Hi de-opresso-liber
My thoughts after recently going through something similar. Don't give them the fuel. It is not a crime to be stumbled. Don't give them the ease of saying you don't believe it is the Twoof anymore so they can "process" you.
It is not a sin to stop going to meetings or to stop - they can only DF you if you say the magic words "I don't believe that 7 men in NY are God's only channel...."
That is my take. They have no authority over you.
Answer the door with a smile, show them the love they are supposed to show, and just tell them you are grappling and need time.
Hope that helps. If they DF you, that won't help anybody. Just my take.
i just left about six months ago and i'm going through the emotional whirlwind that comes with it.
i would really appreciate some advice on how to keep this fade from turning into my being disfellowshipped.
i'm another born in, third generation.
Hi longgone,
Firstly, I feel for you - you are so brave to make this stance.
I am in a similar position I do not want to be disfellowshipped either. I have been quiet on the forum lately for that reason as I am in the middle of a fade and had a hard time of it.
Can I say something because my fade has taken a long time and I am still not through. I sense you carry a lot of guilt over your father and family's happiness. Maybe try and process that a little, when I realised that I am not responsible for their happiness, it did not change my situation BUT it changes the heaviness of burden. It gives you a freedom from that "fear" that has been programmed into you. The best thing you can do is live your life and make a success of it. When they see how happy you are, they will start to question their own happiness.
In relation to being disfellowshipped, they cannot D you for falling away or not attending - that is not a sin. I had the villagers with pitchforks come after me - one was an overzealous family member who is an elder, but they had no evidence of wrongdoing. Don't give them evidence, watch what you say to your family and even though they will know something is wrong. Eventually they get tired and just resort to the stupid comments of how the end is close in an effort to "encourage" you.
I have tried to spend time finding myself in all of this. I recommend the book "Exiting the JW Cult" - the author is an ex-jw turned phsycologist.
It is a hard road, we are all here for you.
as i reported here in this forum, some time ago, my sister was constantly harried by two elders so as to be submitted to a judiciary committee for apostasy.
these two elders were constantly hounding her in the street when she walks to go to her job.
so she had to send them a notary letter in which she wrote that she would attend the judiciary committee only with her attorney.
They really have no authority
Tell them to present their evidence otherwise she will get a lawyer involved for harassment.
If she really does not want the JC to go ahead I would even get a legal letter sent to them.