Recently met Bill Briggs in Ecuador. Still serving as an Elder; remarried. Has a pretty big instagram presence.
Recently met Bill Briggs in Ecuador. Still serving as an Elder; remarried. Has a pretty big instagram presence.
Duh! Hillary lost! what more proof do you need? If she would have won, there would be no collusion.
YES! and you can read it ahead of time.
Local Needs: (8 min.) As an option, discuss “A Letter From the Governing Body” in the Yearbook. (yb17 2-5)
all that talk about hillary clinton's unsecured e-mails?
read the following:.
"deagazio posted additional photos from the weekend, including one of his dining companions kissing trump on the cheek, a selfie with white house strategist steve bannon and another selfie identifying a man named rick who he says is responsible for carrying the nuclear “football,” which allows the president to authorize a nuclear attack while away from the white house.. "“this is rick,” wrote deagazio.
A #fakenews CNN post from a year later that shows the President showing up to a prescheduled meeting. He leaves the meeting and leaves Panetta in charge.
A high school journalist would ask... 1) Why did the President leave someone else in charge during an attack on America? 2) Who came up with the idea to blame a YouTube video? 3) Where in the timeline does it show the meeting where they strategized; not on how to defend the attack; but on how to spin this for his reelection? 3)Who called Susan Rice and told her to lie?
Those are the questions REAL journalist would ask. Kind of what they're doing to POTUS now. They've all of a sudden discovered journalism again.
Come on folks! brave people died and the President was more concerned about his reelection than our soldier's lives. So don't give me this crap about some Instagram post!
all that talk about hillary clinton's unsecured e-mails?
read the following:.
"deagazio posted additional photos from the weekend, including one of his dining companions kissing trump on the cheek, a selfie with white house strategist steve bannon and another selfie identifying a man named rick who he says is responsible for carrying the nuclear “football,” which allows the president to authorize a nuclear attack while away from the white house.. "“this is rick,” wrote deagazio.
Yup! I'll disavow Trump only after he's AWOL during a Consulate Office attack and comes out the next day blaming a silly YouTube video! I will disavow him if the Media gives him a pass and furthers the lie.
Oh; btw... until today we don't know where the Commander in Chief was during the attack. And no one in the Media ever cared to ask. He may have been snuggling with Pajama Boy while the guy with the nuclear football waited outside for orders!
Get over it! your side lost!
Fakenews! Trump a victim of fake news... now the Watchtower.
i am a born in that goes back to the 1960's i am in a very zealous congregation with super dub elders.
i have been inactive for 3 years and only go to about 2 meetings a month.
i made my displeasure known about the overlapping generation b.s.
You are probably being placed in the "do not visit" pile.
i'm thinking his willful failure to be briefed by the cia about russian election tampering and not understanding diplomatic protocall.
making off handed statements without proper research about the mater.
he's an outsider when it comes to running the government that will make big mistakes at every turn because he seems clueless when it comes to running a government..
He will be re-elected in another electoral college landslide. The media will blame ______ for the loss. A bunch of smug liberals will cry and be forced to their "safe areas". Oh; the rest of us will enjoy it all over again; while waiting for the idiots to keep their promise of moving to Canada.
turkey and now berlin, the abrahamic mind virus strikes again... actually there is no confirmation the truck attack was islam, but... it's probably islam.
at least in europe, they call terrorist attacks just that, unlike here in america, we have become so crazy we have clear terrorist attacks, some over a year old now that they still question the motive ala san bernadino.. religion .
Why is calling an obvious act of terrorism; terrorism; irresponsible? Who's going to get hurt by calling it what it is? Why do we need to wait for some idiot to spell out the obvious? (I think); "they" have a globalist agenda and want to wait until they have absolutely no choice but to call it terrorism. "Their" first and only priority is to protect at all costs the globalist agenda; not to protect the citizens. And the media carry "their" water.
turkey and now berlin, the abrahamic mind virus strikes again... actually there is no confirmation the truck attack was islam, but... it's probably islam.
at least in europe, they call terrorist attacks just that, unlike here in america, we have become so crazy we have clear terrorist attacks, some over a year old now that they still question the motive ala san bernadino.. religion .
The Pajama Boys are on the way out in about a month. We'll start calling evil for what it is soon enough.