I need to give credit to the actual author of the post, Thank you Danny Haszard of dannyhaszard.com!
JoinedPosts by WTNightmare00
by WTNightmare00 inrap star ja rule blames his familys jehovahs witness roots for ruining his childhood.. .
the im real hitmaker reveals he was never allowed to celebrate birthdays or christmases growing up - and even playing with other children was a problem for his strict grandparents, who helped raise him.. .
as a result, the rapper, real name jeffrey atkins, goes overboard when his children celebrate birthdays and special occasions.. .
by WTNightmare00 inrap star ja rule blames his familys jehovahs witness roots for ruining his childhood.. .
the im real hitmaker reveals he was never allowed to celebrate birthdays or christmases growing up - and even playing with other children was a problem for his strict grandparents, who helped raise him.. .
as a result, the rapper, real name jeffrey atkins, goes overboard when his children celebrate birthdays and special occasions.. .
Rap star JA RULE blames his family’s Jehovah’s Witness roots for ruining his childhood.
The I’m Real hitmaker reveals he was never allowed to celebrate birthdays or Christmases growing up - and even playing with other children was a problem for his strict grandparents, who helped raise him.
As a result, the rapper, real name Jeffrey Atkins, goes overboard when his children celebrate birthdays and special occasions.
He tells Sister 2 Sister magazine, "I had a difficult childhood. My grandparents were Jehovah’s Witnesses, so, as a child I had to deal with no birthdays and no Christmases.
"People don’t understand… It’s no Christmas, and it’s no being outside with other children that are not in your congregation. It’s a lot of rules that are hard on children." The rapper was "disfellowshipped" when he went to live with his mother and had been kicked out of the church for socialising with "worldly people", when he was 12.
He explains, "When you get disfellowshipped, nobody’s allowed to talk to you… They all treated my mom like this f**king outcast because she had some drinks with her co-workers on occasion… That f**ked with me as a child."
Document source:<a href="http://www.hiphop-elements.com/article/read/4/11660/1/">http://www.hiphop-elements.com/article/read/4/11660/1/</a>
JA RULE, you're one cool friend man! Yes, he is a personal friend!
by WTNightmare00 inattention: attorneys at law!.
this is to let you and through yourself others in the legal community know that it is now extremely easy to not only sue but win big from the watchtower bible and tract society corporation over jehovahs witnesses (hereafter called the organization/ watchtower), which this invites you to do on behalf of numerous victims of child abuse.
this is because in 2006-2007 courts in california ruled .
by WTNightmare00 inattention: attorneys at law!.
this is to let you and through yourself others in the legal community know that it is now extremely easy to not only sue but win big from the watchtower bible and tract society corporation over jehovahs witnesses (hereafter called the organization/ watchtower), which this invites you to do on behalf of numerous victims of child abuse.
this is because in 2006-2007 courts in california ruled .
Thanks! Wish I could take credit for it, but all I am doing is passing along the "buck"!
by WTNightmare00 inattention: attorneys at law!.
this is to let you and through yourself others in the legal community know that it is now extremely easy to not only sue but win big from the watchtower bible and tract society corporation over jehovahs witnesses (hereafter called the organization/ watchtower), which this invites you to do on behalf of numerous victims of child abuse.
this is because in 2006-2007 courts in california ruled .
ATTENTION: ATTORNEYS AT LAW!This is to let you and through yourself others in the legal community know that it is now extremely easy to not only sue but win big from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society corporation over Jehovah’s Witnesses (hereafter called the organization/ Watchtower), which this invites you to do on behalf of numerous victims of child abuse. This is because in 2006-2007 courts in California ruled
1. the organization is responsible for the misconduct of its Elders and Ministerial Servants, i.e. clergymen
2. the organization does not enjoy Ecclesiastical Privilege for keeping its Judicial Committee records confidential and away from the discovery process
3. clergy are appointed by Watchtower; and all other truly major decisions must be approved by Watchtower, records are filed with it, etc.
The responsibility is both legal and financial and owes to facts such as that the organization’s clergy class are appointed and disciplined from top-down, all local properties are ultimately owned by the organization. The lack of Eccelesiastical Privilege throwing wide open access to the organization’s Judicial Committee records is due to the organization not having confessions from its pedophiles et al. on a one-to-one (confessing sinner to one clergyman) basis but instead requiring confessions heard by a whole group of Elders convened as a Judicial Committee and causing even more persons to be informed more by mailing records to be seen at the world headquarters facilities in New York.
The Watchtower has substantial assets held via not only the mother corporation but spin-off corporations, mostly formed in recent years possibly in misguided hope of thwarting obtainment of assets. Watchtower sold one of its many Brooklyn buildings for $50 million ostensibly because wishing to relocate to northern New York though the sale also yielded liquid cash usable for future pay outs http://www.brooklynpaper.com/stories/30/49/30_49standish.html. The multi-billion dollar entity has a database of its pedophile perps in all states that now may hold over 23,000 records, and seems more than eager to do settlement pay outs rather than have cases and such data proceed into court.Read further: http://www.watchtower.cc (Left side)
Canadian girl murdered by father - she did not wear her hijab.
by sammielee24 infriends and classmates of a 16-year-old girl who police say was murdered by her devout muslim father in a toronto suburb told local media tuesday she was killed for not wearing a hijab.
police said in a statement they received an emergency call at 7:55 am local time monday from "a man who indicated that he had just killed his daughter.
the victim, aqsa parvez, was "rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries, but tragically passed away late last night.
Since being anti muslim walks me into a sword and being pro muslim walks me into another sword I think I shall avoid having an opinion on them at all and stare blankly at this brick wall for a few hours.
lol....I think it's disgusting that this has happened,over religion, and a refusal to wear certain clothing. I'm sorry, but I agree with others who've said, they come to our country, they abide by our laws, just as we have to, when visiting their country.( Although I've no intention or desire to ever go to their country!) Murder is murder, no matter what reasons they think they have. This is Canada, we have laws against it here. Someone asked "where is the mother"? Do you remember a few years ago, in B.C. when a young girl was murdered by her uncle, because she fell in love with a man OTHER than the one they had chosen? The mother played a key role in luring her daughter back to the house, where the daughter KNEW she was going to be murdered, by uncles and brothers. She was a friend of my cousin's, a beautiful girl, who wanted nothing more, than to marry for love, not material gains. This may be "their" way in "their" country, but not in Canada, eh?! Religion IS a snair and a racket!!! I agree Delilah and I also believe that if the law does not step in after being forwarned of circumstances,they're just as guilty as the ones conspiring to commit or attempt murder. Whether this sounds insane or not, I really don't give a hoot. My point is, the Government was wartned or informed about circumstances regarding The Watchtower Society years prior to 2000, and nothing was done! Thats enough to piss me off for sure. I know of one case here where i live, the guy leaped to his death in August of 1996 after having a heated discussion with an elder after a book study and the elders tried to put the blame on his wife, saying she was crazy and driving him crazy etc. Well, if that were true, why did'nt he jump before the meeting with that elder instead of after? I did not mean to get off topic here, was only adding my own thoughts to the remark regarding murder. Thanks for letting me vent!
Canadian girl murdered by father - she did not wear her hijab.
by sammielee24 infriends and classmates of a 16-year-old girl who police say was murdered by her devout muslim father in a toronto suburb told local media tuesday she was killed for not wearing a hijab.
police said in a statement they received an emergency call at 7:55 am local time monday from "a man who indicated that he had just killed his daughter.
the victim, aqsa parvez, was "rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries, but tragically passed away late last night.
I agree with Scully to the fullest! Religion of any kind is nothnig but a money making, controlling scam run by idiots who want power! Good comment Scully!
January '08 "Keep on the Watch" brochure campaign cancelled
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite ini heard that a notice was sent to all boe this month removing "keep on the watch" as the featured january campaign.. can i get confirmation from anyone?.
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit inand not the pedophiles themselves.
.. i'm noticing a trend here: those who have spread the nbc video (etc) around to witnesses are getting slammed for talking about it.. are we more dangerous to jws for talking aboutthese child rapists than the child rapists actually are?
if jws' way of life is more important to them than the safety of their children, then the answer is yes.
The way I see it, if "active" JW's are "chronically complaining", I say let them go ahead. As for myself, I want to commend Barbara Anderson in her hard work, and I am sure I am not alone in praising her for her efforts! Thank you, Barbara Anderson!!
How is Elsewhere?
by horrible life inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/142529/1.ashx.
it's been 2 days since elsewhere checked in.
has anyone heard from him, or, does anyone have his phone # and call to make sure he is well?
I have not heard anything from Elsewhere, but do hope his surgery went well and hope he is doing ok!.