There are differences in congregations right here in this country. Some congregations don't see fornication as such a sin as others due to the culture. In a culture where it is accepted for a man to naturely cheat on his wife, you have no disfellowshipping. You can be in an English speaking congregation and get disfellowshipped. Then on the next day you can go to another non English speaking congregation just a few blocks away and you are still considered in so called good standing.
I guess some feel that there are different strokes for different folks.
JoinedPosts by freddi
Differences between JW's in different countries?
by taoInitiate inthis is a quote by ozziepost in another thread:.
"a coupla years back the service department overseer at the bethel here complained to me that they couldn't get the australian elders to follow instructions, nor to do what they were told!".
i think it emphasises something that i've been wondering about.
News of Pope "speaking out" on church...
by sf in"pope says abuse casts 'shadow of suspicion':.
pope says 'shadow of suspicion' has been cast across all priests.
The cathoic church has always been full of it. From racism, pedephilia, women's rights etc. Give me a break!
Freddi -
Medical Racism?-By Wolf Blitzer (CNN)
by Mister Biggs inby wolf blitzer.
cnn wolf blitzer reports.
washington (cnn) -- i was fascinated this week by a new study just released by the institute of medicine that shows african americans do not get the same quality health care as whites.
There is definetely medical racism going on all over the world. Not just here. And for anyone to assume that this is not so or for anyone to say that they are all of a sudden amazed that this could be possible, I say, "Wake up a smell the coffee."
Many doctors don't want to accept medicaid but let a new immigrant from Russia and a Black person go to a doctor and see who will get the care and who will be turned away. This is a true fact that I have seen first hand.
Hospitals in the inner city are closed down and certain services are not available in black and latino neighborhoods simply because some higher ups don't think that non-whites should get the same medical treatment. Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!!!!
Now I suppose that all of the folks with reppressed cognetive memories will get on my case and say that I am wrong but I am speaking as a black woman who is not from the hood and who refuses to be called a "Minority".
Freddi -
How old were you when you lost your virginity...
by butalbee inhow old were you when you lost your virginity and was it all that you thought it would be?????.
i was 19, and my first time was a complete let down.
i envisioned that gothic romance motif, all about romance and love, i didn't know what i was doing, didn't know sex was like that.
12 years old unfortunately. worst day of my life.
Has Anyone Invited You to the Memorial?
by Prisca inthe memorial is on in just over two weeks' time, and i was wondering:.
has anyone invited you to the memorial yet?.
my old cong knows my address and phone number yet no-one has visited or phoned to invite me.
Hi All,
I was invited to the Memorial twice in the past week. I also was noticed by phone and I had a flier left at my door. I don't plan on attending. I am trying to find real peace and security within my own life.
Freddi -
The Osbournes
by Shimmer indid anybody else watch ozzie's family on the osbournes last night.
oh my god!!!
it is soooo funny.
I saw the Osbournes. It was a trip. I am sucker for all those reality shows. I hope that this will make some other personalities think about having their own reality show.
Freddi -
TVShows that shouldn't be
by Uboat_Ninja insurvivor- terrible, used to be good.. jenny jones- who can watch this shit?.
snl- writers are monkeys.
kattan, oteri = funny horacio sans?
My all-time favorite shows are every single soap opera drama that is on t.v. from All My Children to the Young and Restless. I know that soaps are nothing but a bunch of gossip and full of people who lead pathetic lives by lying and cheating but I just love them. I am a true addict. I am making up for the many yrs of being in the K.H. when we were counciled against watching such filth. Long live SOAPS. Besides, who can anyone tell an adult what to watch.
Freddi -
There is nothing like the eye scrinching taste of the mega sour pickles from North Carolina. They are sure to make you teary eyed. Oh yeah, don't forget to eat your pickle with a bag of salt & vinegar potato chips.
Freddi -
Watch out ... I'm a dangerous man !
by Simon init seems that i'm a dangerous man.. last time we went over to vist my dad in canada, my sister rang the local congregation to warn them that i was going!.
wow ... i feel like 'the jackal' or something ... international danger man!.
what sad pathetic little lives they lead ...
hey simon,
i was amazed to see that you are seen as a threat. you are far from it. if it wasn't for this site i would have been totally in the dark about many of the falsehoods of the jw's. you have truely opened my eyes with this site. you give us xjw's a place to find others who are really searching for the truth by communicating with those who were locked in the same jw mindset. this site also gives me so much ammunition to use against jw's whenever they try to pull me back into their fold. keep it up. you and others in this site have been a blessing for me.
peace and blessings,
freddi -
Do Majority of exJWs remain Christians?
by Ray Skyhorse indo the majority of exjws retain a christian faith after leaving the borg?
does the majority of exjws continue studying the bible on their own or join a new christian group that's less rigid than the jws?
or does the majority say to hell with christianity?.
hi there,
i haven't been in a church since i stopped attending the k.h. since i stlll do believe in the messiah and the almighty, whatever his name is, i still consider myself a christian.