has anyone ever heard of paul c. jung? i never have. i need some info.
has anyone ever heard of paul c. jung? i never have. i need some info.
for years i have seen this guy on tv i recall going out to la for a dc and his church was located in the territory of the bethelites family i stayed with and we laughed at how he was getting over on folks, just taking their money.
and now i learn that he got his early training from the jehovahs witnesses.
yes i think fred price is my new idol.
frank raven,
how do you know that front row seats in fred price's church are $1000? let me know something.
for years i have seen this guy on tv i recall going out to la for a dc and his church was located in the territory of the bethelites family i stayed with and we laughed at how he was getting over on folks, just taking their money.
and now i learn that he got his early training from the jehovahs witnesses.
yes i think fred price is my new idol.
i used to listen to arnold murray until i found out that he doesn't agree with interracial marriages and that eve and the serpent had sex. plus he reaches too many conclusions on his own. he constantly talks about how something is his opinion. i don't want his opinion. i want the Word.
many years after i left the j.w.
's i started watching t.v.
i used to be hooked to tbn but i couldn't get over the sharp resembelance of jan crouch to tammy faye. all that make up and the pink has got to go.
benny hinn? i don't know about him. i watch but with a questioning mind.
the only ones that i really watch are joyce meyer and you might find this wierd but jack van impe. i just love his stuff on prophecy. i have also been intriqued by this "Left Behind" stuff. you know, the tim lehay movies on the rapture.
many years after i left the j.w.
's i started watching t.v.
hey JT,
thanks for that site. i used to watch price all the time. especially when he had his month long svc on race and religion. he seems to be so sincere.
many years after i left the j.w.
's i started watching t.v.
hi all,
many years after i left the j.w.'s i started watching t.v. evangalists. you see i was still searching for some sort of religion in my life and i missed that contact that you have with other so called christians. i figured that you can play it safe by watching these men and women on t.v. spouting their doctrines because you were in the comfort of your own home and thus weren't accountable to anyone but yourself.
needless to say i don't watch too many of them any more because after awhile you can discern the sincere ones, which there are not that many, to the real fraud, phony, fakes.
i know alot of people don't like beer, but i have been drinking beer since i was 7 yrs old.
i love the stuff!!!.
i was drinking bud light but my bf drinks dark beer (which i hated), but from kissing him for more than a yr now.
colt forty five by the double deuce. but it has to be really cold.
not going to the meetings anymore, do you still feel the need to read god's word?
edited by - jh on 5 december 2002 14:52:45.
oh yes! i still read my Bible. i have left the j.w.'s not God. i still believe in a Creator and in His word. as a matter of fact i think that i read the Bible more now so that i can refute any old witness friends that i run into on the street.
sure you are dfd for having sex but it doesn't mean that unmarried j.w.'s don't have sex. i used to know of some witnesses including myself who was involved with a wbrother intimately. as long as no one found out it was cool. my elders never found out that i was having sex with one of the brothers until i fell into their guilt trap. but it went on for about two yrs. i got pregnant, had an abortion and got married and the elders never knew until i mentioned. i was dfd for it though because of the circumstances. the elders blamed the brother since he was not the first to confess. he was the one who was dfd.
what should i do with my books .
we are in the process of buying another house and are on the move again.
packing stuff up, chucking it out, selling the surplus you know the story.
i gave my entire collection to my brother's girlfriend. what a catastrophy. now she is one of them. oh well, whatever rocks your boat. i would say like everyone else to give them back to the kingdom hall that you were attending.