Hi everyone. I am mastiffoner's daughter, and while some of my story is the same as her's, I have more to add.
I was 8 when my dad met a JW at work and decided that we needed a religeon. Everything went along fine for me until we got kicked out of our home by a "missionary" mama's boy. During that time (I was 19) I was being counceled for going to a JW party in another state. Even though I hadn't done anything wrong, I was associating with those who had. I also was talking with a brother online and when the PO's wife (who I thought was a friend) told me "You expect me to be happy for you when you met this person in a way that's bed in Jehovah's eyes?". Well this was very discouraging to me, and as it ended up, noone I knew was at the wedding except for my parents. After moving around and being inactive off and on for about 1 1/2 years, we moved back to my home congregation, where he revealed that he had been cheating on me with several people. We had a meeting with the elders where they asked some inappropriate questions and all but accused me of causing the breakup. But they granted me the ability of a divorce and I took it. When it was disclosed to the congregation that my husband had been DF'd and I was getting a divorce, the congregation basically shunned me, and that same sister acually said "I told you so"!
Shortly after this, before my divorce was final, I becam interested in a man at work and we started dating. My father found out about us and gave me an ultimatum, either stop seeing him, or get out. Well I thought "how hipocritical" when he was inactive as well. But I no longer blame him, because he thought he was doing the scriptural thing at the time. I ended up living with that man for around a year before leaving the abusive relationship and reconciling with my dad. I moved back in with my parents in another state, and started going back to meetings about 6 months later. The congregation wasn't at all loving, so I stopped going until I moved again, and found a loving cong. I stayed there for around a year while on reproof for about 3 months of that. When I moved back to my home state with some of my JW friends that I was still in contact with I attended a Spanish cong for awhile. I noticed there the divisions of race. I was the only white sister, no problems there, but the cong was mostly black with about 1/4 mexican. No one ever sat together, it was one race on either side of the hall, and no one ever talked. I moved back in with my mom when my dad died, and no one from any of our former halls bothered to send a card or call. That was also very discouraging. I have not been to a meeting in about 6 months. There are lot of other reasons why I don't go, but those are the major ones. I know that my parents raised me the best they could considering the circumstances, and I do not blame them for anything. I'm just glad that both me and my mom have seen the truth about JW's.