actually, wow is short for "wots of words".
I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing. (but I suspect you knew that)
hitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
actually, wow is short for "wots of words".
I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing. (but I suspect you knew that)
guys and gals, here we go !
i started a serious thred tonight, now it's time to relax and have some fun!
i think we have all been a bit stressed what with trevor gate and all, so it's friday night, let's loosen up a bit ?
Someone told me I looked like oompa.
hitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
i bought one of those new fangled devices, by cuisenart...pour the stuff into a prefrozen container and watch it turn into your dream homemade icecream....not!.
it comes out soft and soupy.
if you put it into the freezer it hardens into 1000 year old glacier like material.. it tastes good, but the texture is never where you want it.
you know the one that made you think of fingernails on blackboards.
we all have some.
i'll check back in later with a couple of my own.
I Love a rainy night by Eddie Rabbitt
Love it!
i have a scan of the cover of the 2008 watchtower witling only edition that i got from an active jw relative earlier today if anyone is interested in seeing it.
i don't know how to post pictures without them being the type you have to click on to enlarge.
if someone wants to tell me how to do it i can post it or if anyone has access to a photobucket account i can e-mail the pic to you.
Many thanks to ErynW for her kind help!
Hey, us muppets gotta stick together. 'Twas nothing.
i have a scan of the cover of the 2008 watchtower witling only edition that i got from an active jw relative earlier today if anyone is interested in seeing it.
i don't know how to post pictures without them being the type you have to click on to enlarge.
if someone wants to tell me how to do it i can post it or if anyone has access to a photobucket account i can e-mail the pic to you.
I have no problem doing that if Rising Eagle has access to them. (I've always wanted a reason to use that icon.)
i have a scan of the cover of the 2008 watchtower witling only edition that i got from an active jw relative earlier today if anyone is interested in seeing it.
i don't know how to post pictures without them being the type you have to click on to enlarge.
if someone wants to tell me how to do it i can post it or if anyone has access to a photobucket account i can e-mail the pic to you.
For Rising Eagle:
i have a scan of the cover of the 2008 watchtower witling only edition that i got from an active jw relative earlier today if anyone is interested in seeing it.
i don't know how to post pictures without them being the type you have to click on to enlarge.
if someone wants to tell me how to do it i can post it or if anyone has access to a photobucket account i can e-mail the pic to you.
To see it in full size: