OK back to fluff for a change...has anyone had success making icecream?

by restrangled 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I bought one of those new fangled devices, by Cuisenart...pour the stuff into a prefrozen container and watch it turn into your dream homemade icecream....NOT!

    It comes out soft and soupy. If you put it into the freezer it hardens into 1000 year old glacier like material.

    It tastes good, but the texture is never where you want it.

    Has anyone else had success or some secret they would like to share?


  • Gopher

    I never made you scream!

    (I once had a home ice cream maker, but could never get the texture right even when following the instructions exactly.)

  • changeling

    No, but I have experienced great success in eating it.


  • Gopher
  • LoverOfTruth

    Our family made ice cream often when my children were growing up. We had this crank machine with used dry ice. I've never tasted better stuff!

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    before they came out with low carb ice cream, I used to make chocolate icecream...

    you take bitter coco powder [some carbs] and add stevia [no calories no carbs, very very sweet]. and whole cream [zero carbs]. and mix it in a blender....

    pour the result into a freezer bag.

    seal tightly and place inside a larger freezerbag filled with ice cubes and salt.

    shake like crazy for about 20 minutes I think it was......an viola`

    texture was not bad, taste was awesome.

  • restrangled

    The flavor cannot be duplicated with homemade ice cream....its the texture....its either too soft or full of ice crystals.

  • AnneB

    I have that same ice cream maker and every time I use it the stuff comes out about the consistency of a milk shake. Maybe the problem is the recipes in the little book that comes with it. I haven't tried any other recipes yet.

    I also found that you can't freeze that stuff and expect it to be edible afterward!

    Ohhhh but it's good when it's fresh!

    AnneB (+ 8 pounds)

  • Finally-Free

    I was thinking about buying an ice cream maker, and then I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I don't think it's such a good idea for me any more.


  • restrangled

    Annie B...

    I Know, ....starting a recipe, the thrill of the outcome.....the inside unit has frozen for 48 hours, you pour in the recipe and watch with anticipation for 30 minutes and start realizing its never going to get thicker than split pea soup.....ARGGGGG.


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