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Posts by erynw
What Are Your Favorite Web Sites?
by minimus ini love the drudge report,, new york post online,, .
are there any sites that you think are good?
what are ones that are on your "favorites"?.
It's almost, in a few weeks, beginning to look a lot like Christmas
by erynw in
I am sitting here drinking coffee...
by momzcrazy inand starting my day off beautifully.
in the short time i have been here i have become addicted!
why is it that after the coffee is brewed, the computer goes on?
wake up at 10, realize I have a hangover, stumble to the kitchen, make coffee, stumble to bathroom, grab aspirin, stumble to office, turn on monitor, stumble to kitchen, trip over cat, grab cup of coffee, stumble back to office, trip over cat, punt cat out of the way, spend 20 minutes trying to focus on text on monitor, realize I love the people at JWD, pet the cat so he doesn't get his feelings hurt.
Am I too old?
by changeling infor a small, discreetly placed, tastefull tatoo?.
i'm thinking of my children's initials in celtic letters intertwined, no larger than a fifty cent priece, on the left side of my upper back (shoulder).
would only be visible in a bathing suit.. i'm 48 .. what do you guys honestly think?.
Do it.
Describe Your Personality in A Few Short Words or Paragraphs-Your Choice !
by flipper inso , what kind of personality do you have ?
since we can't physically see everyone here, i thought this thread might help us to know one another better !
would you describe yourself as outgoing , gregarious, or more quiet, subdued ?
According to an online personality test I took recently, this is how my personality was described:
I create a vision for the future by gathering and organizing information. I develop strategies to achieve my goals. I have a rare gift for looking at almost anything and seeing how it can be improved. These skills and my high standards often allow me to reach leadership positions at work.
I value independence and prefer to work on my own. Once I have decided on a course of action, I rarely change my mind, although I can be persuaded by clear reasoning by someone I respect.
In situations where I can't use my talents or am unappreciated, I may cut myself off from a group and criticize people who don't understand my plans. Under extreme stress, I may overindulge in sensory experiences like eating, shopping or watching television.
I have an unusual sense of humor, which arises from my ability to spot surprising links between seemingly unconnected facts.
I am drawn to jobs requiring logical analysis or abstract thinking common in science or technical fields.
November 3 is National Cliche Day - what's your favourite?
by Bumble Bee intake the quiz - i only got 4 out of 7.. post one of your favourite cliches.. .
I didn't take it. But I got an 8 out of 7.
Looking for anyone from the Ardmore, Oklahoma area.
by sooner7nc inhi,i'm looking for anybody that was in the ardmore area from the mid 70's to the mid 90's.sooner7nc
We probably already do. I think the CO was named koonts or kuhns, something like that. Tall guy with gray hair.
Looking for anyone from the Ardmore, Oklahoma area.
by sooner7nc inhi,i'm looking for anybody that was in the ardmore area from the mid 70's to the mid 90's.sooner7nc
My bible study teacher told our story at a circuit assembly of how I came to study with her and come into the troof, and how I was now full time pioneering.
This was at the civic center. Probably 1982 or 1983
Looking for anyone from the Ardmore, Oklahoma area.
by sooner7nc inhi,i'm looking for anybody that was in the ardmore area from the mid 70's to the mid 90's.sooner7nc
I think you could make a complete circle, but they had it roped off. Damn, it's been 24 years, I hope I'm remembering this right.
Looking for anyone from the Ardmore, Oklahoma area.
by sooner7nc inhi,i'm looking for anybody that was in the ardmore area from the mid 70's to the mid 90's.sooner7nc
The last drama I remember at the Myriad was the 10 plagues. They flashed the lights off and on to simulate lightening. I thought that part was pretty cool.