Was anyone here actually successful in creating converts, or was it just a humiliating waste of time?
Unfortuantely, I brought 4 people in back in the 80's. I hope they forgive me.
i heard the other day on the radio that gas (in the us) was up 81 cents/gal.
from this time last year.
i am sure the 2 at the beginning of the price of gas on the sign is about to be as extinct as the dodo bird.
Was anyone here actually successful in creating converts, or was it just a humiliating waste of time?
Unfortuantely, I brought 4 people in back in the 80's. I hope they forgive me.
glory in tribulations.
060905 tuesday, september 05, 2006 daily devotional.
by brent riggs .
Has this teaching helped you or been a blessing?
Not in the least little bit.
minimus' thread on tv shows has inspired me to ask all you guys (and gals) who you would prefer to "be with".... ginger or mary ann?.
jeanie or samantha?.
wilma or betty?.
Beavis or Butthead?
in nigeria, a bus carrying mostly jehovah's witness women, collided with a large truck on a return trip from a wedding ceremony.
24 died; doctors at a hospital are trying to save 13 others.
see "nigeria: road accident claims 24 in abia.".
My thoughts go out to all of the families. What a tragic event.
all in the family is one of the very best series, in my opinion.. when i see re-runs of the andy griffith show, i smile.
when i was a kid, i never really appreciated don knotts and the gang as much as i do now.. taxi was another favorite.
hill street blues was great.
Absolutely Fabulous, funniest British comedy I've ever seen. Jennifer Saunders is a comedic godess!
it's coming up to the end of the year, this is the time oz radio station triple j start compiling votes for their hottest 100 (which is then played on aus day january 26th).
you get to vote for 5 songs in no particular order.... no restrictions other than the song must be from this year.. what would be your top 5?.
do you take comments made about your topics or posts seriously or to heart?
do you get upset if people disagree or patronise you?
Eryn is the only one who is mean to me.
I demand an apology or I will start another topic and discuss exactly why what you said was rude and solicit a million comments from folks telling me how great I am.
do you take comments made about your topics or posts seriously or to heart?
do you get upset if people disagree or patronise you?
What the..... You're referring to me aren't you! Well, I never.....
if everyone who is signed up for the sectret santa can post a few ideas of the sort of thing you like in here, when people receive their names they can come in here and look you up so get some ideas .
Anything Mickey Mouse °o°
for those of you that dont know, iam half choctaw indian, my mom told me an sad, but interesting story the other day, she is jw, and my dad elder, she had her indian boarding school reunion, in oklahoma, and did not want to go, the first i have ever heard of her reunion, in all my life,.
she told me this story, similar stories i have heard from indian relatives, when she was a little girl, about 7 , she had 11 brothers and sisters, she lived on tribal lands in oklahoma, her great grandmother signed the 5 civilized scrolls act in 1907 that said indians would give up there ansterial lands and be relocated to indian territory, oklahoma.our tribe was from louisana.. her older family traveled from louisana, to oklahoma, in the dead of winter, on foot and hungry the whole way, over half the tribe died, sickness and malnourishment set in on the journey, and the military escort was berating them the whole way, the exodus, known to history books tday as the trail of tears.
the soldiers learned the words tish-pa, which means hurry up.. for some time after they made it to indian territory, they were given dispersments of money, they did not use money, and had no real use for it, it stopped shortly thereafter, the site named skully, to this day, which means money, a new word made up for it.. .
I see a couple of things that may be causing the problem.
take out all of the <td>...</td> tags. Take out the align=baseline comment for the image at the bottom.
That might fix it.