My typical 2hr mtg...
1930- Meeting starts, song ends, prayer ends....YOU walk in......find seat thats not close to the front. Dont want to look at two many ppl you dont have to see needlessly.So you try everything to sit in a corner in the back. But low and behold the brother in charge of seating late arrivals puts you in the back center row right in the speakers direct line sight and between 2 other freshly scrubbed brothers.No empty chair beside you . So now everytime u look up its YOU and the speaker it seems.Now is a good time to make sure you have extra gum easliy accessible from hand to mouth without causing too much comotion.
1945-By this time you have gone over everything you needed to do to leave your home safe and sound. and can start to contemplate your privacy whereas a lot of your movement has been stifled. But if there is an empty seat beside you hallalujah! You can now turn your bible anywhere and keep it open at that page even upside down, while you start to amuse yourself with more important endeavors. The Bible reading has started so u can turn there and follow along and keep reading until the song or start an independant study of how you would refute all the drivel being brainwashed into the minds around you.
2000- You tire of reading and fix your gaze upon the Scripture of the Year ..rearranging the lettters to spell swearwords. You start wondering how many ppl in the hall are thinking they wish they were somewhere else and how many are closet apostates.The elder you cant stand fills in for the last talk and you want to throw your Bible at him to see his reaction. Also you wonder what it would be like to run up to the stage and tackle the speaker Then just when you begin to think about who the most beautiful girl is and what u would like to do to her it s time for the song. You open the songbook to the wrong page and stare at the book hoping no one is watchin to see if ur lips are moving.
Next hour pretty much the same and you start to consider how to bring in a newpaper to read.......