Hoping that all of you will post this video on Facebook. A lot of people just don't know true dangers of this religion.
JoinedPosts by shopaholic
VIDEO: Judge forces Jehovah's Witness parents to allow transfusion for daughter with cancer!
by 3Mozzies inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bb-gem8ehk&feature=plcp.
also here on vimeo: http://vimeo.com/44370032.
aired on australian tv june 2nd 2012.
The WT doesn't believe in infant baptism, but does an 11 year old really understand what they're getting into isn't just a pool with a lot of people looking on?
by oppostate ina scene from today's "safeguard your heart" district convention of jehovah's witnesses.
(with thanks to ignacio luis gutierrez).
That's too young...too young. That kid doesn't know what he's getting himself into and by the time he figures it out, if he does, maybe he won't be too messed up.
Class action lawsuit - how does one get the ball rolling?
by sir82 inunless you've been living under a rock you know that a court in california has found the wts guilty of negligence in covering over child abuse, and the wts has ben ordered to pay $20 million + to the victim.. also, unless you've been living under a rock, you know that there are thousands, probably 10's of thousands, of similar victims of wts coverups regarding sexual abuse still out there.. now that the precedent has been set - now that the wts was not able to settle out of court, and has been found guilty - now that this is international news, and literally millions of people are aware of it - it seems that now may be the time to strike even more deeply.. i am not an attorney, but there are a few who post on the board, and others who have a deeper understanding of legal matters.. what would it take to begin a class action lawsuit against the wts?
how exactly does the process start?
does it matter which state it starts in?
It's not so much about the money each person will get but the exposure of the WBTS. The WBTS would still have to dig deep to cover a class action lawsuit. More people are likely to participate in a class action suit than to go it alone. Plus, a class action lawsuit would get lots of air time and doesn't appear as isolated cases.
By the end of the year, what will the org look like ?
by mP inim predicting a loss in both numbers in the us and western countries with significant drop in hours preached particularly in the usa.. commetns ?
It will be the same. There might be a small decrease due to low convert numbers but I don't expect a mass exodus.
New Experience Of The Carjacker & The Jehovah's Witness
by minimus inmy mom told me this as it was related to her.. a witness is suddenly carjacked!
the man tells the sister he is there to steal her car!
she begs him not to take the car as it is the one she uses to take her elderly mom to the doctors.
Recycled JW urban legend...this one has been around for awhile. Surprised you're just now hearing it.
Candace Conti video on YouTube - let's send it viral!
by cedars ini've uploaded a video that discusses the dramatic jury verdict regarding the abuse suffered by candace conti, of which you are all aware.
if you're not yet familiar with the story for any reason, please check out my blog article on the link below.... http://jwsurvey.org/general-information/the-watchtower-punished-society-loses-legal-battle-over-child-abuse-case.
john hoyle suggested i get a youtube video out fairly quickly so that we can spread the message more effectively online.
Very well done!
Watchtower Talk Removed From YouTube As "Shocking And Disgusting Content"
by DT inthere was a youtube video that contained an excerpt of ciro aulicino's talk "you will be with me in paradise".
at some point it was removed by youtube.
it now shows the message, "this video has been removed as a violation of youtube's policy on shocking and disgusting content.".
He's not cracked. It's what Jehovah Witnesses believe. I've heard similar talks. I don't think most JWs really understand what their day of Jehovah really means...it's quite gruesome. Most are simply focused on the pleasures of the paradise they believe awaits them.
Candace's story made it to England a few minutes ago
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160605/candance-conti-molested-jehovahs-witnesses-member-age-nine-wins-28milion.html?ito=feeds-newsxml.
eye-catching photo of wt headquarters plus photos of candace and another of the jw perp.. attention getting headline too.. candance conti: molested by jehovah's witnesses member at age nine wins $28milion
I hope this open up the floodgates! I know a few childhood victims that were also victim of the policy to not report it to the authorities and are reaching out to them about Candace's story. I so hope this gives many more the courage to step forward and speak out!
Were Blacks Treated Differently Than Whites In Your Congregation?
by minimus ini was raised in a city hall.
it was pretty evenly split.
i wasn't raised in a blacks vs. whites environment.
When territories were restructured in one area, it resulted in "mixing" three congregations. The White JWs were not having it. Even those in appointed positions refused to worship with Blacks. The congregations are still split and not even sharing the same Kingdom Hall to this day even though plenty of White JWs live in the territory. It was of no surprise, this particular area is known for its prejudice ways and racial dividing lines. It was decided about 10 years ago to mix the circuits. It took some folks a little getting used to, more so the older generation, but there wasn't as much resistance with that change.
In other areas that have multi-racial congregations I have not noticed a different in treatment. The one exception is if there is one non-black family in a black congregation the family is treated like royalty (especially if they are white).
Everyone who can PLEASE report Sex abuse story to the largest news aggregator in the WORLD
by BlindersOff1 inhttp://www.drudgereport.com/.
at the bottom right side of the first page is a small box to report stories.
he gets 30 million hits a day to the website.