Hey this is getting seriously weird.
I actually felt a pang of longing to go to a convention just now.
Think I'd better go off and give myself a stern talking to.
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
Hey this is getting seriously weird.
I actually felt a pang of longing to go to a convention just now.
Think I'd better go off and give myself a stern talking to.
let's have some fun.did you find out some juicy gossip about a witness that you are just dying to blab?.
here's one from me.. i went to a hairdressing salon for the first time and the stylist was a camp male who never stopped chatting from the second he got his gesticulating paws on my scruffy mop.. my mum who is a devout jw was sitting reading a mag waiting for me.. next thing he's telling us about his gay male friend who is a bit down because he is having an affair with a jw.
to make things worse he is married with kids (the brother not the gay friend).. stifling my shock and trying not to look at my mum who is staring wildly and unseeingly at her mag i asked his name or address and although he didn't know the name he told us his street and district!.
I had a messed up family situ like that.
My cousin had his eye on my brother's fiancee.Tried to lure her off but no go . After they wed he became a regular visitor at their home.They had a gorgeous baby and a lot of debts and were both still in their teens(you know how it is in the JW's everyone races out of school straight to the alter!)Get the picture it wasn't all rosy.So cousin Superbuddy suddenly stops going to meetings.My bro who was always weak warmed to this different uncertain side 'cause he never really was into the perfect pioneer one. Next thing Cousin suggests they go out...pubs...clubs etc.They both stay out all night and make up some cock'n'bull story to my S.I.L.
So what do you think happens next? Cousin goes to the elders and my S.I.L and all hell breaks loose.Despite my bros denials that any serious wrongdoing went on the elders went with the elder's son story and bro was DF'd.
OK so he shoulda seen that coming but God he was 19 with debts a wife and baby!!
So S.I.L says she doesn't want a non-witness hubby and drops him.Enter comforting cousin whose car was parked outside her house all the time.Of course he had returned to the fold and resumed his perfect pioneer persona.I was well impressed.My bro took an overdose in my flat while she dated our cousin and the loving advice I got from the elders who came to counsel me for giving him a roof over his head-exact words: "tell him he's not welcome over your doorstep".
To my eternal shame I did as well.
So bro dissapeared from my life.S.I.L married my cousin and cut me out of my nephew's life which is a subject too painful for me to tell yet.Assemblies were fun.Half of our family ignored eachother.Cousin and wife stopped attending assemblies for a couple of years(no kidding) just so I couldn't see my nephew and to give him time to forget me(enough I am choked even after all these years)
If that is christian love then shove it.
Sorry didn't mean to blurt out all that but it was the shittiest time of my life .
i just reread song of solomon for the first time in over ten years.
despite using the nwt, which butchers most biblical poetry to admiration, i was nevertheless struck its beauty.
if you haven't read it, it is about a shepherd's love for one of solomon's concubines, and it evokes a delicious, aching, tantalising, desire - yup really.
apostasy has been the devil's most effective means of fighting against the truth.
after all, time and time again the devil was able to lure the israelites away from the worship of jehovah and in to all sorts of idol worship and whatnot.
some anointed christians in the 1st century were also induced to become antichrists.
You Know
Are you for real or just having us on?
taking a brief break from my 'deceptive jw elders' series, i thought about conventions and recalled the annual exhortation from the congregation service meetings and the kingdom ministry about not saving seats.. in the early 1970s, my wife was pregnant with our second child.
we were attending the disctrict convention at the oakland, california coliseum where the oakland raiders and oakland a's teams play.
the stadium hold about 70,000 give or take 5,000 with extra seats on the field.. during the summer in the bay area, sitting all day in the sun listening to speakers you can barely understand due to planes flying overhead, poor sound system, and crying babies, becomes a tortureous event.
Hi Amazing
I've just had a good belly laugh at your story.
Oooh but all these posts complaining about the sun! Spare a thought for those of us sitting in Sheffield or Leeds Stadium shivering in mid-summer with brolleys up against the rain.
Occasionally we had a warm convention when I can remember staring in shock at families claiming the no seats area 'cause they could open up sunbeds and bask in the sun.I'm sure there was a coconut sun cream smell drifting over..
Best memories of conventions for me was the camping in Sheffield with some fantastic people and trying to sneak to the showers in the morning before any of the young brothers saw me without my warpaint on!
How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
Why didn't we ever try out one of those waves that they do at Footie matches?
Hey Bill
If I'd served you I'd have given you extras on your weinie [;p]
How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...
let's have some fun.did you find out some juicy gossip about a witness that you are just dying to blab?.
here's one from me.. i went to a hairdressing salon for the first time and the stylist was a camp male who never stopped chatting from the second he got his gesticulating paws on my scruffy mop.. my mum who is a devout jw was sitting reading a mag waiting for me.. next thing he's telling us about his gay male friend who is a bit down because he is having an affair with a jw.
to make things worse he is married with kids (the brother not the gay friend).. stifling my shock and trying not to look at my mum who is staring wildly and unseeingly at her mag i asked his name or address and although he didn't know the name he told us his street and district!.
Reminded me of an elder I knew who never parted with money if he could help it.He was well known for his "cons" that he proudly boasted about.
One time he took his elderly mum to buy a new coat.The shop assistant was the old-fashioned kind hardly heard of now (helpful).In order to assist the elder and mum to decide on the right coat she nipped into the hat dept nearby and popped the rather expensive creation on the sisters head.Predictably she enthused how the hat went with the coat.So the elder smiled and said he'd take them and no doubt the shop asst was feeling pleased with herself.Until the subject of money came up.Our crafty elder refused to pay for the hat and when superiors were summoned to the scene he insisted the hat was free with the coat because the assistant had said they "went" together.And he got it.
He did the same thing over a car deal that amounted to a much larger sum and again he pounced on the way something was worded to gain advantage.Mmmm good elder qualifications anyway..
I curtsy to a Master.
Sorry m'lud
How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
I burst out laughing at the thought of you dressed as a Roman soldier "cracking a whip at those woosy God thumpers".
I was gutted about them stopping the food.Where was their compassion for all those lonely singles who lived for the intervals when they might get to pass a hot dog to wedding-ring-less hunks while breathlessly asking if they'd like anything else through pouting lipsticky lips? Inevitably they'd ask for extra onions with a rueful grin (flirty young devils) then a bleached blonde with decidedly questionable neckline would appear at his side and you just knew she'd got it dammit(his address)
What am I on about "hunks"? I was that desperate by the time I left at 27 yrs old I would've pouted at Woody Allen!!
I once asked a married brother what I should do to attract a brother at the convention and he said I should carry my bible all the time and look spiritual.Yeah right - that's why all the tartiest sisters always finished up with a handbag full of addresses.Maybe their spirituality just shone right through the make-up?!
How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...
focus, the quote below was taken from the list:.
could you please check the red text?
Yes you are right.Presuming the cd-rom version is true to the original Watchtower anyway.
So if the FAithful Slave is associated with the GB are they saying it is not the GB so back to the famous"who is?"
We all know that gb consider themselves the FS slave however they choose to carefully word it past present or future.
How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...
let's have some fun.did you find out some juicy gossip about a witness that you are just dying to blab?.
here's one from me.. i went to a hairdressing salon for the first time and the stylist was a camp male who never stopped chatting from the second he got his gesticulating paws on my scruffy mop.. my mum who is a devout jw was sitting reading a mag waiting for me.. next thing he's telling us about his gay male friend who is a bit down because he is having an affair with a jw.
to make things worse he is married with kids (the brother not the gay friend).. stifling my shock and trying not to look at my mum who is staring wildly and unseeingly at her mag i asked his name or address and although he didn't know the name he told us his street and district!.
Thanks everyone for replying. Sorry for being a baby!
Blue Sapphire- the stories make me laugh but they make me sick when they think they are better than me.At least I have turned an honest face up toward God.
Mommy-I know what you mean about going to the accused and asking them but being DF'd and not good enough to cast a shadow on their righteous souls with my presence it makes it awkward! As for the gambling sister I told my mum and she had a quiet word with her.
As for your sister-phew! The most disgusting part of the whole story imo was ignoring your innocent kids.What a fine witness!
Thirdson-your story reminded me of a brother my mum asked to fit her kitchen thinking ,of course, she could trust him to do a good job for a fair price.He clumsily knocked a big chunk out of her lovely new worktop, charged her more than the going rate and left her high and dry with the work unfinished. As he was a brother my mum didn't dare make a fuss!
BugEyesWife-yeah we had a couple of preggers cases in our cong (sudden weddings at registry office and embarrasing public talks where us young uns sat smirking knowingly)
Jang-wife-swapping?? How does a thing like that get started? Cut to scene of typical JW adult get-together (why couldn't we just call em parties?) the Carpenters in the background and everyones had a turn at Charades. Bro .Brainy suggests a wholesome bible quiz and is ready to hand round the biros when bro.Tenttrousers pipes up "hey guys throw your car keys in that empty plant pot on the coffee table and you sisters get to draw out a set of keys each and match the keys to a brother for a bonk behind the sofa." EVeryone looks at eachother and someone murmurs "well it's more exciting than Monopoly s'pose.."
Mmmm I thought some of my parties were naughty!
Jezebel Influence-I always ask my mum about what's going on with peeps I used to know and she makes me laugh 'cause it's like getting blood out of a stone then she always says "don't tell anyone whatever you do!!!" like anyone I associate with now could care less?
Scorpion-look forward to squeezing some juicees outta you later.
Jelly-When I was in the 'truth' all I ever seemed to hear about was courting couples 'doing it'.My brother was even at it in my bed with his pioneer girlfriend (not while I was still in it I hasten to add)Yugh!! As for me I was just bloody jealous!
Thinker's Wife - I was thinking of getting my hubby involved in the forum as Free2Bmahubby but he doesn't get it at all and wonders why I bother being interested in JW's etc but what can I expect from a moslem blissfully ignorant of christian issues.His take on his duties to Allah seems to be now and again contributing to the poor on behalf of dead relatives and big discussions on the purpose of man blah blah don't happen too often in our marriage.Dunno if I think that's a good thing or bad .(Must be great to thrash out forum issues with your other half)
Bye for now
How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...