good point some countries despite the growing immigrant population they still don't have many commercials representing that population.
i remember going with my (white) father to an assembly. i must have been one of the only black person there and next to my dad sat an african man and my dad said to him "why don't you ever put mixed couples in your publications?" and the man said he was not a witness but felt the same way so they both hounded some other poor brother during the break and i felt so bad for him.
I can't believe the society's answer. the society wrote that you should forego marrying the love of your life so racist jack@$$e$ in your area could more easily listen to your preaching!!! First you should not love anyone who is not of your faith period. next marrying someone of another race depends if your conscience allows you or something???
I was in france once at the dinner table with a laod of witnesses talkign about how if they weren't witnesses they would vote LePen. I was shocked well they said 'you see what's going on here with the arabs." :O
and then said "don't you have the same problems with blacks in america?"
JoinedPosts by 4digitcode
Mixed Race Couples - WTS literature
by TheListener inhas anyone ever seen a mixed race couple shown in paradise in the wts literature?.
i haven't.
i've seen pictures of modern day mixed race couples but never ever in paradise..
Do you really want to save us?
by nvrgnbk inthis is for the christians.. let's put our swords away.. try to convince those of us that have lost our faith to accept jesus christ and all that that acceptance entails.. pretend that our lives( eternal) depend on it.. that's what you believe isn't it?.
this is an opportunity to win souls for christ.. yes.
things may get heated.
to ninja before being a witness i believed...while a witnes i started to that i'm out i'm almost an atheist.
The JWs need to have an answer for everything to the point that things become sterile. when i think about god now it hurts. when i think he may not exist i feel relieved. that means there is a reason why all these bad things are happening. The justification of his name doctrine is bs to me. if he is GOD and he is LOVING he doesn't need to do that.
it's hard for me now that i was deceived by the JWs to put my faith in anything else that regards god. by dfing me brothers have allowed me for the first time in my life to be on my own and use logic and reasoning.
1) that has led me to believe that the creator which calls himself the personification of love cannot allow the evil things that are happening everyday on this planet.And therefore most likely does not exist.
2)evolution, the disbelief in life after death,etc are a logical way for me to back up this new line of thinking. -
I know why the end didn't come yet.....
by JH init,s because god is waiting for us all to go back, then the end will come.. ok, who will go back first?
JH you go.....i'm right behind you! :)
just sent final email to my 'best friend'
by 4digitcode ini'm so drained emotionally from it but i did it.
i learned a few days ago through her ex worldly boyfriend that she had told him she tries to email me but i don't answer, she called me and i hung up (all things she has done tome in the past 9 months that i have been trying to get in touch with her).
she told him i had gone crazy and moved to italy and no one knew where i was and i was not talking to my jw mom anymore ( i moved to italy for almost 3 years to work, study and learn italian and my mom is not a jw!!!!!!
hello by the sea and thank you for your reply. i am df'ed and so no worries there. for a year almost have been talking to some witnesses that were friends of mine before. and in the case of my friend i had tried to contact her, call her, send her emails never discussing anything about the religion. i had even told one of our mutual friends that her whole support system was in the truth and it would be hard for her if she ever really understood what was really going on.
i never even dropped subtle hints with her but after having heard all of that i couldn't keep quiet. it was like a warning from me: leave before it's too late and you can't tell the reality from your lies.
my boyfriend read the letter and told me that even though it was angry he could tell how much i loved her. i had never meant to shove it all at her at once but then again i feel it had to be all or nothing. if i sent her 1 email sowing doubt she would have blocked me before i had the chance to write anything else. same thing if i told her i now knew of her lies. she would have probably blocked me to protect herself from her shame.
i did it and now wether it's right or wrong it's done. but i thank you for your insight and i will make sure if any other still witness friends get in touch with me and express doubt to be very gentle in the way i make them aware of what i now know. thank you. -
just sent final email to my 'best friend'
by 4digitcode ini'm so drained emotionally from it but i did it.
i learned a few days ago through her ex worldly boyfriend that she had told him she tries to email me but i don't answer, she called me and i hung up (all things she has done tome in the past 9 months that i have been trying to get in touch with her).
she told him i had gone crazy and moved to italy and no one knew where i was and i was not talking to my jw mom anymore ( i moved to italy for almost 3 years to work, study and learn italian and my mom is not a jw!!!!!!
just sent final email to my 'best friend'
by 4digitcode ini'm so drained emotionally from it but i did it.
i learned a few days ago through her ex worldly boyfriend that she had told him she tries to email me but i don't answer, she called me and i hung up (all things she has done tome in the past 9 months that i have been trying to get in touch with her).
she told him i had gone crazy and moved to italy and no one knew where i was and i was not talking to my jw mom anymore ( i moved to italy for almost 3 years to work, study and learn italian and my mom is not a jw!!!!!!
thanks pops
blood card
by 4digitcode ini went through my 10 year stay in the truth not knowing a whole lot about any of the teachings i realize.
i knew of them, knew the rules cause i read them all the time in the km,wt,awake....but i couldn't explain most of my beliefs with the bible.
i entered the faith at 13 years old, on my own and guess what at 13 years old with no parents pressuring me i really didn't like studying.
I went through my 10 year stay in the truth not knowing a whole lot about any of the teachings i realize. i knew of them, knew the rules cause i read them all the time in the KM,WT,awake....but i couldn't explain most of my beliefs with the bible. i entered the faith at 13 years old, on my own and guess what at 13 years old with no parents pressuring me i really didn't like studying. it didn't mean i didn't care. i did care. to the point that i trusted the brothers 100%.
When i was 18 i decided to go to thailand to volunteer. i had been baptized for a year and still hadn't filled out all the paperwork for the NO BLOOD position. when the elders found a few days before i left they called me into an emergency meeting to figure out the whole affair before i leave.
i sat with 2 of them for how long exactly i don't know but not long enough to take the type of decision i took in the end.
I knew beforehand we weren't allowed to take blood.don't have a transfusion, don't eat blood sausages, etc etc. jehovah said so in the bible.i could find more or less the verse that said that. And I believed it totally.
the topic of blood makes me very sick and i almost faint each time i have to give blood for i was very uncomfortable during the convo and wanted to get it over with.
They went through the papers with me and talked about the other forms of treatment available like replacing the volume with a solution and that most witnesses agree with this type of treatment and i said yes i would agree to have that. then they talked about giving my own blood and taking it back later so it was a transfusion of my own blood but that a lot of witnesses didn't like it because sometimes the blood was mishandled, it could be spilled on the floor etc. and a lot of witnesses don't like it---so i don't like it either. Then they talked about that machine where your blood passes through it so it's like an extension of your body,...then the blood fractions.....HAAAAAAAAAAAA!
i needed to go to thailand a few days for the next 3 months by myself, i was 18, i hated blood. i never knew about ALL the different possibilities for treatment....and i knew nothing about these blood fractions AND TOLD THEM THAT, they had to explain it to me during that meeting. I didn't think i would ever need a blood transfusion and in such big matters my reasoning was: to use conscience is to bend the rules and ultimately DISOBEY. That thought process must have taken 1.5 seconds since I was so brainwashed so i just said i don't want any fragments of blood my conscience doesn't allow me.
And they said ok we understand and that was that. i took those papers in my suitcase and god knows what would have happened to me if i had gotten hurt in a foreign country by myself, with a non witness mom accross the globe, and paper saying i entrusted 2 NO BLOOD advocates to speak for my health if i couldn't do so for myself.....that made me think i'll have to ask her if she knew i carried that around. and that she may have had to put up a fight to save me.
anyways long story.
my point is:
1) those elders had no right asking me to take such a decision with such a weak knowledge of the subject and on such short notice.
2)18 years old makes you an adult in the real world but i was very much the 'spiritual orphan child' of the congregation.even though i was 18 when i officially signed those papers, i knew from when i was much younger that i wouldn' t take blood not because i had reasoned but because i had BLIND FAITH.
3) more should be done by the authorities to protect children from these cults especially when life-threatening issues are involved.(i was only 13 when i took the 'truth')and to make parents aware of the dangers . my mom thought it was a great thing...but not for long. After i got disfellowshipped she told me she could see i was brainwashed but thought it wiser to just stand by and wait because she knew she could lose me if she opposed me. scary isn't it? -
Obves correct! Yearbook 75 says BABIES who take blood won't live forever!!!
by Witness 007 inyearbook 75 p.223-224 witness couple and their 6 day old cheryl, who needed blood.
"darell and rhoda correctly viewed blood transfusion as a violation of god's law, and thus oposed it.
they were concerned about the babies welfare, for everlasting life is only the prospect of those adhering to god's laws.
i applaud you mathilde for saving your son's life despite thinking you could be destroyed by jehovah for it. that shows a lot of courage and selflessness!(is that a word....i mean opposite of selfish....sorry english is not my first language)
Were YOU Set Up To Fail?
by Sarah Smiles inas a child, i believed jdubs were the only ones who had truths.
we as children tried to live our lives clean without smoking, drinking, cussing, stealing and etc,.
as i became an adult and associated with others, i had fallen beneath the jw cracks.
right on IP_SEC!!!!
just sent final email to my 'best friend'
by 4digitcode ini'm so drained emotionally from it but i did it.
i learned a few days ago through her ex worldly boyfriend that she had told him she tries to email me but i don't answer, she called me and i hung up (all things she has done tome in the past 9 months that i have been trying to get in touch with her).
she told him i had gone crazy and moved to italy and no one knew where i was and i was not talking to my jw mom anymore ( i moved to italy for almost 3 years to work, study and learn italian and my mom is not a jw!!!!!!
and why the heck do my posts come on as one big block with no spaces and no paragraphs. What's up with that?? :)))