Do you really want to save us?

by nvrgnbk 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    This is for the Christians.

    Let's put our swords away.

    Try to convince those of us that have lost our faith to accept Jesus Christ and all that that acceptance entails.

    Pretend that our lives( eternal) depend on it.

    That's what you believe isn't it?

    This is an opportunity to win souls for Christ.

    Yes. Things may get heated.

    But the sublime peace and love your personal relationship with Jesus has brought you should keep you calm.

    Please give it your best.

    I've heard some allude to personal experiences that have deeply affected them and strengthened their faith.

    But nearly all hesistate to share them for fear of being mocked or ridiculed.

    If you can save just one soul, isn't it worth it?



  • eclipse

    There is my heart.

  • nvrgnbk

    No takers?

    What does that tell us?

  • eclipse

    That they are still sleeping?

  • nvrgnbk

    That they are still sleeping?

    You mean that metaphorically of literally, eclipse?

    I think there are some lurking about.

    I believe ozziepost, for example, is a Christian.

    I know for a fact he's been on here this morning.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Repent or I'll release the chipmunks!!!

    Seriously, I'm at a loss what to say to you - I could tell you what God has done in my life and you'd still possibly turn round and say "well that's nice - but why hasn't that ever happened to me?" - and that's assuming you haven't decided that God doesn't exist anyway.

    The reason 'it' has 'happened to me' and not to you is because it's my experience, and that's what my faith is built on. I would never expect any of you to have a faith built on my experiences.

    I'm just dipping my toe in the water for now to see where this thread goes, but I will say that if I hadn't come to faith, I would have been in jail or dead a long time ago - more likely the latter.


    Pretend that our lives( eternal) depend on it.

    They might do, who knows??

  • eclipse

    I meant literally sleeping. I am waiting for hibie to save me.

  • nvrgnbk

    You know I respect you greatly, Sad emo.

    I knew I could count on you for a reasonable response.

    Much brotherly( human, not JW ) love to you!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I'll tell you what - ever since I saw your thread title I can't get this bleepin song out of my head:


  • ninja

    I try not to get involved with all the for and against arguments nvr....I have always had a belief in God....and its as strong as ever....what I am amazed at is the amount of people who lose their belief in God when they leave the watchtower....a wee question....what was their belief really in?......Let God be true though every man be a liar.....cheers

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