For starters wanderer, its good to hear from you again. (or is it Richard?)
Anyway you have recieved four pages of mostly criticism for your last post, good! You wanted to stimulate thinking and it certainly accomplished that. Whether it was the right way about it or not the future will tell. But this is a new post and i will respond to your new scenario with that in mind.
Question: Do you view issues in black and white? If not how do you measure an issue?
Answer: You do the best you can! (Ideally speaking) and keep an open mind.
1. You inform yourself about the topic with the BEST information at hand. (As a JW you are vigorously discouraged from informing yourself with anything other than the societies publications, a recipe for ignorance, or your "tunnel vision') If you became informed you would see the society for what is truly is, un-informed.
2. You take into consideration how your decision may impact on the health and wellness of yourself and humans in general. (I'm talking ideally here wanderer, we are not superheroes after all)
3. You take into consideration how your decision with impact upon your home - earth. (Once again you can't truly know the answer to that so you take what you know from what measly knowledge we simple humans have about our planet.)
4. (My personal favourite) - YOU REALIZE THAT WHATEVER KNOWLEDGE, BIAS, PREFERENCE YOU HAVE IS BASED ON YOUR OWN LIMITED MIND AND THEREFORE CANNOT BE CORRECT IN THE TRUEST SENSE. Therefore be happy, no even better rejoice when your viewpoint is proved incorrect. It means humans are improving!
I'm sorry wanderer, you were expecting another response weren't you? So how about this one...........
The actual answer to your question is that we all have tunnel vision my friend, only that Ex-JW's now are free to choose which tunnel they want to view life from. A JW is told which tunnel to follow. Period.
Hope this post helps