@ nvrgnbk
A few months ago your comments would have frightened me. Now I find them amusing, almost complementary.
Amazing. I guess bad association does spoil useful habits lol.
Good thing I'm breaking away from the bad association!
i just changed my order of magazines at the counter to the bare minimum.
me, my dad, my friends, heck everybody i know throws out a large bag of unused watchtowers and awakes every few months or at least once a year.
then it hit me.
@ nvrgnbk
A few months ago your comments would have frightened me. Now I find them amusing, almost complementary.
Amazing. I guess bad association does spoil useful habits lol.
Good thing I'm breaking away from the bad association!
i just changed my order of magazines at the counter to the bare minimum.
me, my dad, my friends, heck everybody i know throws out a large bag of unused watchtowers and awakes every few months or at least once a year.
then it hit me.
I just changed my order of magazines at the counter to the bare minimum. Why? Me, my dad, my friends, heck everybody I know throws out a large bag of unused Watchtowers and Awakes every few months or at least once a year.
Then it hit me. The Watchtower says it's circulation (at present) is about 28 million copies of each magazine. If there are six million witnesses and we each waste as little as one copy above the one we need for ourselves, then about 25% of the Watchtowers produced are never used. If the wasteage is worse, the figures get scarier.
If every witness uses one copy for themself and wastes two copies, as in doesn't place them, just throws them away, then 75% of the watchtowers circulation is not being used in field service.
Is it possible, that after taking wasteage into consideration, the Watchtower's actual READ and USED circulation is merely a sad fraction of what is stated?
my first week of posts here were very serious and all the wonderful, encouraging replies helped me very much.. so now i want to ask something semi-frivolous.
(actually it's one of the many things that don't make sense to me about "the truth").
why do animals die?.
@ MadTiger
I'm not implying that animals be held to the same rule as humans. The absurdity of that idea is the very basis of my problem with this issue.
1) Animals die.
2) Humans die.
3) Animals and humans are both living souls
4) Death is a result of sin
So again my question stands. Why do animals die?
What I'm really saying is, doesn't it make more sense that maybe death is simply a part of nature and maybe humans and animals all die, not because of sin, but simply because that's what happens naturally?
my first week of posts here were very serious and all the wonderful, encouraging replies helped me very much.. so now i want to ask something semi-frivolous.
(actually it's one of the many things that don't make sense to me about "the truth").
why do animals die?.
My first week of posts here were very serious and all the wonderful, encouraging replies helped me very much.
So now I want to ask something semi-frivolous. (Actually it's one of the many things that don't make sense to me about "the truth")
Why do animals die?
The bible tells us that death is the result of sin. Logically if Adam and Eve had not sinned they would not have died. So they would have been in a paradise, surrounded by thousands of creatures that would experience death constantly. Why? How would that be anything but horribly cruel? Anyone who has lived on a farm or had to put a pet down knows how unnatural and sometimes painful it feels when a favorite animal dies.
Will animals live forever in the new system? There's supposed to be no pain, sorrow or crying in the paradise, but I've seen hard men with iron self-control cry like babies when their dog or their horse died. Are we going to become callous or emotionally disconnected from animals? Or will we just become inured to death so it doesn't bother us anymore?
Or is it all B.S.?
I know it sounds petty but this one really bugs me. This is just one of many things where I can't reconcile observable reality with our beliefs.
Either death is natural or it's not. Which is it?
i was a good soldier, i shunned her like i was supposed to.
she applied for reinstatement several times but was rejected.
as far as i know she's still df'ed.. i have no idea where she is now or how to find her.
I was a good soldier, I shunned her like I was supposed to. She applied for reinstatement several times but was rejected. As far as I know she's still DF'ed.
I have no idea where she is now or how to find her. I could call her family but I don't want to raise a flag after all this time, nor do I want to open old wounds. I just want to talk to her again.
I miss her something fierce.
Now that I'm "waking up" I'd have no qualms about associating with her. But in order to find her I'd have to risk getting "caught" by her (I think) still "faithful" family and get turned in to the elders.
I just wanted to vent. Hey, who knows. Maybe she's a regular on these forums and we've met without knowing it. :)
Don't want to say her name outright but hey, if she's here 1) She used to go by her middle name which starts with 'A' 2) Her sister was DF'ed but was reinstated and is named after a city in Russia that starts with 'O' 3) She lived (or maybe still does) in a town with a semi-famous historical military structure, which the town ended up being named after.
there are a lot of us on here in the 32-34 age range.
1972-1974 was some bad years for kiddos born in the borg huh?
1972 here.
Man I remember being told not to warry about what I'd do when I finished school because the system would be over by then.
I've been out of school for 14 years and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! :)
hello folks.
i touched on this answering another thread and it made me think.
i remember seeing fairly often married couples at times verbally sparring in public at times in the kingdom hall or parking lot.
My parents.
Just about every single meeting they both went to for my entire life. I was raised in the truth but my family was abusive, mean and joyless.
Yay - the truth's transforming power in action!
it's only my third day here so, go easy on me.
lol.. seriously, my new doubts have made it harder and harder to go in service.
a few months ago, when a new month rolled around, i realized that i hadn't actually gone in service at all the previous month.
Wow... uh... I sure don't feel alone anymore.
This raises a serious question. How much of the supposed 1+ billion hours we put in service last year is "real"?
yesterday, thursday, july 26, 2007, a conversation with a street witnessor (isn't that what you would call someone involved in street witnessing?
) got joined by a walk-up elder turned into a great opportunity to witness to several bystanders (who even joined in the conversation).. i began by declining to accept the offer from the elderly woman who held up a "what does god require of us?
i said, "but, verne, you aren't going to the bible.
I am in awe of that experience. Way to go AuldSoul.
it's only my third day here so, go easy on me.
lol.. seriously, my new doubts have made it harder and harder to go in service.
a few months ago, when a new month rolled around, i realized that i hadn't actually gone in service at all the previous month.
"But seriously, it was hard for me to go out to try and convince people to be JW's when I wasn't sure about it myself." - Musicman
That's the root of the problem right there.