JoinedTopics Started by freeborg
Latest article from Stephen Bates
by Ivor Hope inthought you might like to see stephen bates latest article in the guardian.witness on the watchtower .
stephen bates.
Worldly Husbands
by Frenchy inlarc has an interesting thread going about why jw men choose to date (and beyond) worldly women in lieu of dating the seemingly overbundant supply of 'horny' sisters available.
i recommend it.. it set me to thinking about yet another interesting phenomena in jwdom.
that is the situation where the jw woman has, as a husband, a 'non-believer'.
Care for the Anointed
by freeborg ini have just read the thread that was started with the comment regarding the anointed.
it brought a smile to my face because not so long ago my wife was still working in a nursing home for jehovahs witnesses run by witnesses.
she had been there for over five years and in that time-helped care for five of the anointed class.
Halt On Building Work! Update
by freeborg inover a week ago a comment was made regarding a global halt on all kingdom building work.
these rumours started in the united kingdom and came from a number of sources.
as per usual the truth of the rumour is a bit different from what is said on the witness grapevine.
Global Stop on all Kingdom Hall Building Work!
by Ivor Hope ini have heard today from 2 different sources that the wts has announced a global stop on all building work.
kingdom halls already being built are having the work on them stopped.. has anybody else heard this?
if it is true, what could be the reason.
Why Are We Still Here!!!!
by freeborg in*** w80 10/15 31 questions from readers ***.
as indicated by an article on page 56 of u.s. news & world report of january 14, 1980, if you assume that 10 is the age at which an event creates a lasting impression on a persons memory, then there are today more than 13 million americans who have a recollection of world war i. and if the wicked system of this world survived until the turn of the century, which is highly improbable in view of world trends and the fulfillment of bible prophecy, there would still be survivors of the world war i generation.
however, the fact that their number is dwindling is one more indication that the conclusion of the system of things is moving fast toward its end.. the above is taken from a 1980 watchtower which said it would be highly improbable that we would see the turn of the century.. is it just me or are we all still here in 2002!!!!
"15 Minute Publisher" ?
by freeborg inthanks for all the comments regarding the leaflet on my previous post, all have been read.
if we can all take action in our individual areas we become a mighty nation capable of causing havoc to those who have fooled us to many times.
i have another question to ask, recently i noticed a phrase used which was " 15 minute publisher ".
If we tolerate this then our children will be next
by sleepy inif we tolerate this then our children will be next.. we have got to put a stop to this mad organisation.. giving people false hopes taking away thier lives , their free will.. i lost 27 years of my life to jehovahs witness from a newborn baby my mind was filled with their teachings , i was going to live forever never going to die .. all life was to be centered around the truth.. i trusted these people and all i got was a kick in the teeth when i questioned it.. there has got to be something we can do , lets not let our hands be tied .. i dont k now what can be done but if we don't do something soon the org is just going to change people will start flocking in again and more lives will be ruined.
Anti-JW leaflet campaign
by freeborg ini have been a reader of this message board for a number of years and this is the first comment i have made in that time.
i have been part of the wts for 20 years my parents believed they had found the truth when i was 10 and from then on we hung to every word uttered from the platform at the kingdom hall.
my wife was a witness brought up in the wts all her life so the wts was a massive part of all our familes lives from parents to brothers and sisters.