((((((((((OZZIE AND MRS OZZIE)))))))
ozzie had a small accident today - been in hospital - unable to join today.
mrs ozzie
((((((((((OZZIE AND MRS OZZIE)))))))
what does the name jehovah's witnesses mean?
jehovah is the personal name of god, as found in the bible.
a witness is a person who relates facts from direct personal knowledge or proclaims views or truths of which he is convinced.
I was going to post this observation, until I saw you had started a topic on it. Yesterday, I checked out jw media and found the following:
Those who become inactive in the congregation, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, special effort is made to reach out to them and rekindle their spiritual interest. If, however, someone unrepentantly practices serious sins, such as drunkeness, stealing or adultery, he will be disfellowshipped and such an individual is avoided by former fellow-worshipers.
Last year I wrote a letter to one of the elders, explaining how we felt, and that we simply were not interested anymore, this is the quote that I used in January 2003:
Those who simply leave the faith are not shunned. If, however, someone unrepentantly practices serious sins, such as drunkenness, stealing, or adultery, he will be disfellowshipped and such an individual is avoided by former fellow-worshipers. Every effort is made to help wrongdoers. But if they are unrepentant, the congregation needs to be protected from their influence.
We've pretty much been left alone, until yesterday, when this same elder's wife stopped by. So we're on their radar again. I also brought up the UN thing, she didn't know anything about it, and was a bit condescending in telling me "of course the UN would lie " when I told her to go to their website.
I am so disgusted.
i am back from underground ... i have more to tell you than you can imagine ...
i cannot use my old screen handle for now, but we are working on that, and it will be restored as soon as simon and i can get it done.
so, simon has allowed me to create a new screen name for the time being.
Welcome back, Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please take care of yourself, what an awesome thing you're doing. You the Man!!
alright, this is getting downright farcical, in a very tragic sort of way.
i started a thread the other day about my mother, who is in the last stages of alzheimer's and just started hospice care.
today i found out that our dear old dexter, a basset of almost 13 years, our first child, has a cancerous tumor.
(((((((Nina, Big Tex and Kids and Dexter))))))))))))
I'm so sorry for what you're going through, it's never an easy decision when to put a pet down. I've been down this road many times, but only once when I almost wanted to die, too. You are in my thoughts.
Love, kat
i have 2 german shepherds, one white and one black and grey.
also granny has a little yorkie terrier, he's my little buddy.
he'll follow me anywhere.
I have 5 Shelties and one Cocker Spaniel. The Cocker has taken over and is now king!!
well i spoke with my mom this past week.
she made sure to remind me that the memorial was coming.
she pressed me for a promise to attend.
A very eloquently written essay of what the org does to normal, loving families. I am so sorry.
since some of you inquired... i have just come home from the hospital the dr said "you are a tough old bird -after he saw the xrays.
he knew i suffer a lot of pain anyway.
( rh arth)-gonna live another 25 years"-i told him to" scram.
Glad to hear you're OK. Sorry about the pain, though.
i hope i won't b deleted from this board.. michael jackson says when he was young that men slept in the same bed as him.. was this when he was a jw?.
some folk in jws thought he was the archangel michael.
Back in the 80's there was a magazine article(Time, Newsweek, can't remember) that had a whole article about Michael, and a following he had of people who viewed him as the Archangel Michael. There was even a picture of WT publications, truth book and some others.
i wanted to say that we have so many fine posters here!!!!
it's wonderful knowing the collective years of experience that we can tap into because of the fantastic variety of people that we have here.
specifically, blondie always comes to my mind when i think of valued posters.your research and ability to analyze is about the best there is on this board.
Blondie is incredible!!! I read many more articles now then I did while in. Thanks for your common sense explanations.
i was just wondering if jury duty was considered taking part in the world.
i just found out that my mom had jury duty a few months ago and went!
i've never been a registered voter and thought you had to register to be called to jury duty.
Here in PA you're selected according to property rolls. My husband was picked about 7 or 8 years ago, we asked a few brothers what to do, there are articles that say it's a conscience matter, "would you want to be guilty of wrongly judging someone," as if they don't do it all the time!
Anyway, when hubby got there the judge gave a big lecture about not wanting to hear any one trying to get out of serving for any reason, religious or otherwise. And since D. was the only one with a suit on, he was picked as jury foreman! It was a drunk driving case, and the judge was known for throwing the book at people. The guy got off, the judge was angry, and D. had a good laugh.
(The guy was a working stiff who only messed up once)