there was no dress down option. so many people still see it that way that we are single handedly keeping JCPenny in bussines.
Damn suits...coaster
i remember having to dress up for every meeting even the ones during the week.
i had to wear a botton down shirt dress pants, a tie, dress shoes, dress socks and a blazer.
this was also required by my parents to dress up when going door to door.
there was no dress down option. so many people still see it that way that we are single handedly keeping JCPenny in bussines.
Damn suits...coaster
and secondly, it has set apart the real followers of jesus christ, the true servants of jehovah god, from all others who profess to be christians but are such in name only.. *** w59 3/1 p. 148 par.
yes, we can give him something very precious.
" (proverbs 27:11) we can give god our obedience.
Blondie I did indeed attend today with my wife. I had my study lesson you prepared for me, but the lesson was so damned boring, I could not even get into it to try and help anyone, sorry.
please re-post this with acceptable language..
Ha, gotcha collegegirl!!
loving the shit outta this....coaster
please re-post this with acceptable language..
Please re-post this with acceptable language.
for the past couple of years at my district conventions, i have been unable to actually listen to most of it, so my mind is in many places.
one such place was to count people in several of the other sections as to blacks and whites.
section 132..42 white and 137 black, section 133..36 white and 144 black, and so on.
Strong stuff Shawn, and Fanghorn, I have never seen racial stats on us. Are they your own?
I have had super close friends that are black elders, two in particular. They seem very genuine in many respects. There did some to be a bit of power-loving though. My theory is that any oppressed people, poor or ethnic, see us as the equalizer. The appeal also is to be a "Real Minister" and be looked up to. That has to appeal to many whe have felt held down, or treated as second class for so long.
Damn skin tones...coaster
a quick perusal of the bible reveals an extremely violent world.. any brief study of human history reveals acts of barbarism and bloody atrocities dispersed across millenia .. is the world of today perhaps safer than ever?.
No and is would be hard to argue differently. Governments are far more orginized to protect the masses. Old accepted rules of war were to kill all civilians desired, rape at will, and enslave whomever. Politcal correctness is in war BIGTIME. Look at Iraq. No Dresden carpet bombing there. Great pains are taken to AVOID civilian casualties.
And what a difference in entertainment regarding violence! We have WWF, Video games, tv, and movies. Romans for sport watched PEOPLE BEING EATEN ALIVE!!!!! ANYONE SEEN THAT LATELY? How about PEOPLE HACKING other PEOPLE to death for sport??????
There is no comparison.
what the hell!!....coaster
for the past couple of years at my district conventions, i have been unable to actually listen to most of it, so my mind is in many places.
one such place was to count people in several of the other sections as to blacks and whites.
section 132..42 white and 137 black, section 133..36 white and 144 black, and so on.
Thans infamousone! Don't sweat it.
for the past couple of years at my district conventions, i have been unable to actually listen to most of it, so my mind is in many places.
one such place was to count people in several of the other sections as to blacks and whites.
section 132..42 white and 137 black, section 133..36 white and 144 black, and so on.
Blondie, I see you are from Norway and this may be the reason your experience is so different from mine in southeastern USA. As to the partial white or black thing I SWEAR I was not using binoculars or telescope!!!!!
Hell of a mess it is.......Coaster
well today is footwashing sunday at my home church in kentucky.
this is always a favorite event for me.
they usually have guest preachers, special singing, and of course, dinner on the grounds.
Blondie, I think it is literal. This is Kenucky and Tenn. where they don't wear shoes much.
Just a damn little joke!....coaster
i am sitting at home on yet another saturday night alone.
more or less i'm just venting that i'm bored, but if anyone wants to come down here and do something, let me know.
Me too, but I am married to active JW. Doy you have a motorcycle? Clubs have great people you can get to know quickly. I cold ride down this fall.
Bikes are ahellofalotta fun....coaster