Actually it is not, 666 is correct. "Neron Keisar" is what has been used for Nero Caesar. Without the extra "n" the number is 616. In addition, no one has provided a valid explanation as to how Caesar fulfills the other aspects of the image of the beast.
JoinedPosts by smontgom
More Evidence that "666" refers to United Nations
by smontgom ina new book claims that the number 666 refers to the united nations through the name "haaretz haqaturim", which means "the nations of the united ones.
" commonly known as the number of the beast, the number 666 is from the thirteenth chapter of the book of revelation in the christian bible where verse 18 reads: .
"here is wisdom.
More Evidence that "666" refers to United Nations
by smontgom ina new book claims that the number 666 refers to the united nations through the name "haaretz haqaturim", which means "the nations of the united ones.
" commonly known as the number of the beast, the number 666 is from the thirteenth chapter of the book of revelation in the christian bible where verse 18 reads: .
"here is wisdom.
A new book claims that the number 666 refers to the United Nations through the name "HAARETZ HAQATURIM", which means "the nations of the united ones."
Commonly known as the Number of the Beast, the number 666 is from the thirteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible where verse 18 reads:
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." KJV
The Number of a Name In Gematria, the numerology of the Hebrew alphabet, every letter has a corresponding numerical value, and summing up these values gives a name or word a specific number. In the case of HAARETZ HAQATURIM, HAARETZ has the value of 296 (He (5) - Aleph (1) - Resh (200) - Tsadi (90)) and HAQATURIM has a value of 370 (He (5) - Qof (100) - Tet (9) - Vav (6) - Resh (200) - Yod (10) - Mem (40)), which totals 666.
Many have interpreted the phrase "it is the number of a man" to mean that the number represents a male individual. However, it can mean also that the name is simply masculine as opposed to feminine, as indicated by the Hebrew masculine plural ending of "IM" or Yod-Mem.
More Criteria
At Revelation 13:17, it is stated that the beast prevents any man from being able to buy or sell except those that have its mark. This is very similar to the international and economic sanctions that the UN places on non-member nations or nations that deviate from its policies and resolutions.In addition, the beast is said to be an image or representation of another beast that is given great authority. This other beast is described as having seven heads, ten horns each with a crown, a body as a leopard, feet as a bear, and mouth as a lion. In biblical visions, beasts often represent world empires or governments. An example is the seventh chapter of the Book of Daniel where the Neo-Babylonian Empire is represented by a lion, the Persian Empire by a bear, the Grecian Empire by a leopard, and the Roman Empire by a mysterious beast with iron teeth. The UN, being a representation of the world's governments would fall in line with this description.
The Book of Masahel (Ma-sah-el meaning "test of God") is a book written by The Bene Yeshua to provide proof for the existence of God and demonstrate the fulfillment of prophecies in the Bible. For more information regarding this book, the number 666, and the various beasts in biblical vision, please visit