I can’t believe how you guys just swallow the bait like you do, no questions asked. This guy (Limbaugh) crafts his comments using Harry Reid’s words as a tweak of the main-street media and anyone else who happens to fall for his trick. If you heard his program you would have heard the announcer say before the commercial “Rush Limbaugh, doesn’t speak with a Missouri dialect, unless he wanted to have one is a parody and tweek of the Ried comment that president Obama “doesn’t speak with a negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one”. You are being baited, setup, and only making him more powerful and giving him a bigger platform and subsequently putting more money in his pocket; is that what you really want to do?
Be skeptical when Limbaugh seems to be saying something blatantly (in your mind) racist, chances are you are being tricked.
If you think he is a genuine bigot, you don’t know the man at all, just the persona he projects to tweek some people with.