I wrote all the above and just realized I never answered the one simple question you asked. I believe the subject of the Watch Tower receiving the stock as a gift was discussed in the original thread. If I recall, the voting proxy was retained by the gift giver, the original owner. This is part of the public record and as for not being able to sell the stock, I guess maybe I’m using my own limited knowledge of stock here. I happen to myself own 49% of a corporation, and my wife owns 51%. It is privately held, thus I can’t sell it on the open market. As part of the standard bylaws as drafted by our attorney, I can not sell the stock without her written permission even though I am the president of this corporation, as she holds 51% of the voting proxy.
Does that make any more sense?
Thanks for reminding me that such allegations require proof, at this point in time I myself don’t need this proof and I’ll tell you why. When I read a damming write-up on the Watchtower Publication, the Evolution Book, I spent many months in my library trying to prove the critics were lying about it. I am sorry to say this, but the critics were correct, it was the Watch Tower that was being deceitful. Having found the Watch Tower to be deceitful in so many instances since then, I almost never go through all the trouble as I have in the past, I have nothing to prove to myself anymore, and I don’t get my jollies from basing the Watch Tower at every turn, so I don’t keep such proof at hand to show others.
However, when this Smart Bomb connection was a hot subject many months ago I did indeed do the leg work once again and got the proof, not to prove anything to anybody else, just to myself. In fact it may have been as far back as the old H2o board now that I think about it. If so, I still believe you can search their archives as well, but I’m not sure of the URL anymore. I suggest you ask around. If you wish to do the leg-work, you can still do this, and I would suggest that you use the search function and find the old postings, then follow the links and locate the proper public records. The info is out there, I did it myself, so I don’t see why you can’t, that is, if you really need to prove something to yourself or others.