Is the lightbulb that just clicked over my head correct? Does the Society teach that the entire New Testament is written only to the 144,000?
by ItsJustMe 23 Replies latest jw friends
Is the lightbulb that just clicked over my head correct? Does the Society teach that the entire New Testament is written only to the 144,000?
Not only the New Testament, but the entire Bible! Of course, the burden of proof is upon them, and no proof exists. But to their mindless followers, just the fact that the Society says so is more than enough proof...
"The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan
as i have come to understand the WTs "truth" the NT is only for the 144,000. only thay need to "feed my sheep". only thay are commanded to teach the "good news". only thay will recieve the heavenly rewards through Jesus's grace. the rest of us can only live by the law and wate for the end time.
if i may say, i think, the WT has made one class "christian" and left the other class "jews". but gave the "jew" class all the work of the "NT christian" class but none of the reward, and never grace.
willy think: thread killer
You got it. The NT is a "personal letter" to any of the anointed, according to JW-think. The problem with that is that in practice, any anointed outside of Bethel has much, much less to say about what the NT teaches than some 35-year-old non-anointed brother working in the Writing or Service departments.
So, we have a situation where reality belies the WTS claims. The "food at the proper time" supposedly coming from the F&DS - anointed ones - is something quite different. We have 8,000 or so anointed around the world in reality receiving their spiritual food from members of the Great Crowd. If these anointed ones had a question and wrote to the Society about it, the answer would very, very likely come from a non-anointed brother.
Just one more reason why I came to see WTS theology as nonsense.
I think you pretty much got it correct. IMO those of the lesser class don’t have an invitation to the ball as it were. Not that we don’t get to help ‘our betters’ by doing some of the grunt work, like selling books, magazines etc, paying for traveling elders expenses, mortgages, interest on the loans, new buildings, Patterson, settling pedophile lawsuits etc. That is part of our “privilege” of associating with these chosen ones. As I understand the WT theology, the NT was written for this select group and we, the “great-crowd” are just riding on their coat-tails. They, the anointed, are the intended recipients, and thus only they truly understand the deep things written within. Fred / YouKnow Do I have this understanding correct?
Yes, the so-called New Testament was written to those who are spoken of as being in the new covenant; who are a new creation; who sing as if a new song; who are part of the new heavens; who are to rule over a new earth. Other than that, there's really nothing new under the sun. / You Know
Just one more reason why I came to see WTS theology as nonsense.Actually I read completely through your comments. I think that if you weren't so *perfect* that even YOU might be able to see through your own nonsense.
The Greek Scriptures are secondarily meant for the "other sheep", and primarily for those who will rule with Christ. The main emphasis has always been on completing the number of the ruling class which will total out at 144,000. I don't believe that I've ever seen anything said in the publications that outright say that the other sheep are ruled out from considering the book as being the basis for their hope of salvation.
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.
Yardif, the implication has always been that the other sheep cannot understand the NT without the anointed. To me that implies that unless I am anointed I will never have a complete understanding of the NT.
Hi Yadirf, You Know, et al..
The notion that the New Testament and the glorious light of hope it holds out to all of suffering mankind alienated from God currently applies only to 8,000 mostly addled old folks who refuse to die and from 99.9 percent of whom advice is neither sought nor welcomed by Brooklyn's younger, largely non-anointed exegetes and policy makers, is so patently ludicrous as to be unworthy of a temperate response.
Yardirf, you are right.
NT is primarily but not only written to the saints. They will go to heaven, while the billions will be resurrected on earth. That's the biblical truth and satan hides that truth to make God look bad. God takes care of us all, ie. all that want him. All you protestants should try to READ the requirements that those letters sets out to saints. They are not exagerations and they are not pointless because-we-all-dont-fit-up-but-are-saved-by-faith. No you have to live for the faith, fight the flesh and give all to God. It's pretty obvious if you truly read the NT. The thing is that when protestants try to read the requirements set by Jesus and St. Paul and take them seriosly, they almost get a heartattack (I have witnessed that several times! *lol*) because they face the facts, they think none can live up to them and all will burn!! burn!! then hehe. So they blind themselves and live in denial. But alas, there's no hellfire but sleep and resurrection thanks to Jesus Christ.
God Bless