For me, it all boils down to my inability to reconcile a God of Love with the outcries of humanity. This is the reason I am agnostic. I spent far too much of my life lobbying a "God" who is/was silent and deaf.
When I left the dubs five years ago, I told god (lower case intentional) that when he decided to answer some questions, then I would reconsider believing in him again. Until then, he could f**k off. I still haven't heard anything from him, not even a bolt of lightening, which would have been okay too since it would have at least proven he exists (albeit for a brief instant!).
It can be said that Religion has done some good for some people, but the bulk of it has also retarded human growth throughout our exisitence. This goes for most all religion, christian and otherwise.
I am done codependently looking to a mysterious supernatural power to take care of my problems or those of humanity. I am now trying to do my part in helping humanity step up to the next level of existence. I've done far more to leave the world a better place in the past five years than in 40 years of knocking on doors.
Just my thoughts.