As you have appointed yourself as a spokesperson for the Watchtower Bible and Tract (New Zealand) Society I feel the need to ask you to explain the following -
1. Why do you apologise for the inability of the Organisation "to discuss issues with just anyone"? The "media" that you refer to includes the Organisation that you are a member of and its ability to produce printed books and materials is well documented. The press office and legal department are very professional and active when the need arises. The "anyone" that you refer to would presumably include members of the world and other religions who are potential Jehovahs Witnesses ? Why exclude them from the message that your religion spends millions of dollars in promoting and defending ?
2. Yes I have read the Watch Tower and Awake magazines. I have also read the Readers Digest and telephone directories when the need arose. I never felt the need to write to any of these publications with "questionable comments" (whatever that means) for publication nor have I read any "questionable comments" in either the Watch Tower or Awake.
3. I for one am not bitching about any one or anything and least of all, Jehovahs Witnesses. There are many fine human beings who are active members of the Jehovahs Witnesses. I treat those members with respect and consideration every time I have the pleasure of their company. There are many more who I would not lend the smell of one of my farts to.
4. When you appeared here uninvited (same as every one else) you gave the impression that you were a well mannered (poor speller for your age), genuine Christian who had the ability to engage in reasoned debate without resorting to anger when faced with questions that you are unable to answer. I do not know if this results from a lack of knowledge, an inability to consider inconvenient facts or to look at anyones point of view other than your own. Either way there is no need to lose your temper and stamp your little feet.
I am sattisfied from your un christian outburst and personal comments directed towards me that you are not a follower of Christ. I cannot imagine that Jesus or any of the apostles would have resorted to the base language and anger that you have displayed in your posts regardless of the circumstance.
There is no point telling me that every one here is "pretty whacked" when you entered the asylum as a voluntary patient !
Quit sitting in the middle of the road staring at the headlights of every Watch Tower vehicle that carries "new light". Stand at the side of the road where it is safe and have a real good look at who the driver is.
Wishing you all that you would wish for others and multiply them by four Honez. I hope that all your wishes for others are truly christian wishes other wise you have a lot of bad stuff to look forward to !