Have you decided whether it is true or metaphorical yet?
My bus is due any minute and I NEED TO KNOW !
i'm relaying this story to show all of you how disfellowshipping can be made to backfire on the .
i have only changed nonessential details to protect anonimity of those involved.. .
i cannot find it at the moment.. can any one help ?.
danny you have been fearless in your exposing jws for the cult they are and the harm they have done and are doing.
keep up the good work.
but please be careful in what you do as this board and recovering xjws need people like you who are fearless in exposing the wt.
I am not interested in what Danny has posted on the net in his never ending self promoting ego trip over the last 20 years. The fact that he has been at it for 20 years neither interests me nor surprises me.
What does interest me is the fact that his 'footprint' exists only in his mind and the minds of those that listen to him.
He is delusional.
I have no idea about the current state of your mental health. You do appear to me as being a sane and rational person until you act as an apolosist for Danny and his actions. What is wrong with telling a friend that they made a mistake when they assault two old men ?
Your suppositions and accusations regarding ignorance on behalf of the two old men do not look good when subjected to the cold light of day.
You purport to be a representative/supporter/advocate/friend of Danny, so answer this, 'if you are allowed' .
Show credible proof that these old men knew Danny, his address and chose to be ignorant of the desires or a delusional anti/ex Jehovahs Witness.
Please do not delay because I am holding my breath.
i cannot find it at the moment.. can any one help ?.
i cannot find it at the moment.. can any one help ?.
i cannot find it at the moment.. can any one help ?.
danny you have been fearless in your exposing jws for the cult they are and the harm they have done and are doing.
keep up the good work.
but please be careful in what you do as this board and recovering xjws need people like you who are fearless in exposing the wt.
Proverb "If you believe all that you read and hear, you will eat all that you see"
Wha happened,
You are spot on with the no brainer comment but your guns are pointed the wrong direction. Prior knowledge of Danny ? All the disinformation that you know of concerning Danny has been prepared and published by Bro. Haszard himself.
What is far more unbelievable is that 'eager mushrooms' have lapped up all the verbal diahorrea that he deposits here and at other internet sites. This shameless, egotistical self publicist may be the messiah to you but to me he is a delusional human being with a persecution complex complicated by delusions of grandeur.
There are flies (artificial) that are created to catch fish and there are flies that are created to catch fishermen and women. I am assuming that you are not a fish and I am also telling you that you have been well and truly CAUGHT by Danny and his delusions.
Check them out, verify, test, corroborate .................. use whatever word you prefer and then re think your position.
Outside of this forum Danny is a no body. Inside this forum he would be a nobody but for the fact that those that kiss his butt and dine on his every 'deposit' (verbal and faecal) have conspired to confirm the delusions that torment him.
Do not expect dyed in the wool JWS to brief themselves on the rants and identity of bitter XJWS who refuse to move on with their lives.
If Danny ever recognises that he is hammering his head on a toilet wall, he might find peace (and a more suitable combination of his medication)
They do not know that he exists.
He does not recognise friends. He considers that they are persecuting him when they dissagree with him. He takes comfort from his fellow travellers who have encouraged him to the point of criminal behaviour and personal destruction.
i'm relaying this story to show all of you how disfellowshipping can be made to backfire on the .
i have only changed nonessential details to protect anonimity of those involved.. .
This story, if it is true has similar tones to a 'hypothetical scenario' that you posted in another thread.
If this story is true and I have no reason to doubt that it is other than your marked reluctance to identify the location concerned.
If ithis matter is of such burning concern to all those members (past and present) of that congregation there is no danger of losing or exposing your identity from your post. I have not read all your posts in other threads and so I do not know what information you may have revealed there that would justify your reluctance to identify the congregation concerned.
My final point regards the walk out of the 'sisters' parents and others from the hall. If they had been pre warned (conditioned ) to the disfellowshipping, would they have reacted differently ? I am not sure if the mother of this person was more aggrieved with her daughter being Df'd or the sudden shock of being present when it was announced.
Would she have reacted differently if she had been pre warned and managed to stay at home instead of going to the KH that day ?
Only you can 'suggest' what they might have done.
You are right about walking away and making new, real friends.
The longer you wait the harder the break from the institutionalised mentality will be.
the degree of hatred being expressed by some here towards individuals in the jw cult is difficult for me to understand.. why?.
because most of us were jehovah's witnesses at one time.. how did this transformation from "evil, disgusting, murderous, bloodthirsty" jehovah's witness to "enlightened, free, open-minded, compassionate" ex-jw take place?.
were we bad the last day we were witnesses but good the next?.
the degree of hatred being expressed by some here towards individuals in the jw cult is difficult for me to understand.. why?.
because most of us were jehovah's witnesses at one time.. how did this transformation from "evil, disgusting, murderous, bloodthirsty" jehovah's witness to "enlightened, free, open-minded, compassionate" ex-jw take place?.
were we bad the last day we were witnesses but good the next?.
Great thread.
Some years ago a fanatical fundamental quasi religious group fought the Russians in Afghanistan and were hailed as heros and freedom fighters. They and their allies committed unspeakable acts of violence to drive out the Russian 'infidel' from their land.
Some years ago the descendents of these so called 'freedom fighters' flew planes into the Twin Towers in New York, killing people that they did not know in order to attck an organisation and were finally exposed to the world for what they were ...........................'evil terrorists'.
The lessons learned by the U.S. could be taught to some persons in this forum.
Terrorists have no real friends only fellow travellers who encourage them to the point of destruction.