I think the lawyers will find a way to take it all and vanish and leave the GB holding the bag.
Posts by tula
New RBC arrangements/directives
by bud2114 ini joined awhile back and haven't posted much - just lurking like many others.
for the past year or so i have been trying my best to fade away sooner rather than later, but the wife and most of our family have decades of involvement in this mess and well, it's difficult.
little by little i have been sowing seeds of doubt and it does seem to be working somewhat.
The End of Jehovah`s Witness`s
by OUTLAW inwe see alot of topics on the board about the end of the wbt$..i don`t think that will happen in our lifetime........so..lets change our focus..kingdom halls are getting fewer and fewer jw`s in them..congregations are being dissolved and kingdom halls are sold off..many jw`s are very unhappy and we see alot of them on this board.....the wbt$ is a billion dollar organization,they will survive for along time to come..........how about the jehovah`s witness`s?.......with fewer and fewer members..information about the wbt$ on the internet..and..some very depressed jehovah`s witness`s looking for a way out of the cult they are in.....will the "jehovah`s witness`s" survive?...outlaw
I think the lawyers will figure out a way to take it all and vanish and leave the GB holding the bag.
WT quote made me LOL
by OnTheWayOut inwhile looking up stuff for this other thread i started today, http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/142073/1.ashx.
i found this gem.
i thought i would just post it and make absolutely no further comments in this thread just .
Would someone please tell me why Satan, Scribes, Apostates, or So-Called Christians would remove the name Jehovah 237 times from the Christian Greek Scriptures, and yet leave it in the Hebrew Scriptures nearly 7000 times, when Christians use both the Old and New Testament today? And why the heck would it only be in there 237 times (less than once a page), when it is in the Old Testament 6 times a page?!?!
Because the scribes had to go through a lengthy and elaborate cleansing ritual each time...before they could write the name "Y***H" .
AAAARRGH My FIRST EVER lecture... Please, some helpful tips n hints??????
by Kudra ini know a bunch of you have done lots of public speaking, lectures etc.
this is not my strong point.
i really am interested in your little nuggets of wisdom here; what do you do to reign in a bunch of unruly students and make 'em enthralled???
How many light bulbs will have to be changed out to stop global warming?
(Maybe offer stock incentive to highest grade on your final exam.)
How many hazmat workers to clean up a light bulb breakage?
Where were you when the planes hit?
by coolhandluke init f*cks me off that this happened only a few years ago but no one in my office has yet to even mention it.
it was such a pivotal event:.
i was driving from fontana to chino in california dressed in service clothes.
SARASOTA - Looking back on that day, columnist Robert Plunket wonders why the president of the United States seemed among the last to know about the worst terrorist attack in American history.
Former U.S. Rep. Dan Miller wonders why communications were so bad the president had to use a cell phone to reach Washington.
And bartender Darlene Sievers wonders what Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker, was doing in her lounge just a few weeks before Sept. 11, 2001.
On a day of unthinkable horror, President Bush's visit to a Sarasota elementary school was overshadowed by the tragedies elsewhere. Yet questions quickly arose about the president's actions that morning, along with those of the Secret Service, the agency charged with protecting him.
Until recently, the controversy over Bush's brief time in Florida has been largely confined to conspiracy-minded Internet sites. But now it has burst into prominence with Fahrenheit 9/11, the new Michael Moore film that shows a blank-looking Bush holding a children's book - My Pet Goat - for several minutes as a national disaster unfolds.
Critics of the film say it is grossly unfair to the president. Bush told the 9/11 commission, which is investigating the attacks and the government's response, that he felt he should "project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening."
From his testimony and that of others, a slightly fuller picture has emerged of the president's morning. The St. Petersburg Times also conducted numerous interviews and examined public records in an effort to separate fact from fiction.
But to this day the story remains fraught with confusion, contradictions and questions. Among them: How much in command was the commander in chief?
[AP photo] At a Sarasota elementary school, President Bush is told of the 9/11 plane attacks by chief of staff Andrew Card. -
AAAARRGH My FIRST EVER lecture... Please, some helpful tips n hints??????
by Kudra ini know a bunch of you have done lots of public speaking, lectures etc.
this is not my strong point.
i really am interested in your little nuggets of wisdom here; what do you do to reign in a bunch of unruly students and make 'em enthralled???
you could dress up like a polar bear and take off the layers as the lecture progresses to express the point of global warming.
seriously...start with something funny ..statement, joke, whatever...related to subject matter. gets their attention and puts them at ease.
standdown tomorrow
by tula inhttp://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2007/09/airforce_aircombatcommand_standdown_070807/.
acc orders commandwide standdown friday.
on sept. 14, flight lines will be very quiet at air combat command bases.. the entire command about 100,000 active-duty airmen is standing down training flights and many other operations as part of a command-wide safety day.. command boss gen. ronald keys ordered the sept. 14 safety standdown in the wake of the aug. 30 nuclear incident at minot air force base, n.d., in which six cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads were loaded onto a b-52h and then flown to barksdale air force base, la., without anyone on the ground or bomber realizing the nuclear weapons were on the plane.
ACC orders commandwide standdown Friday
On Sept. 14, flight lines will be very quiet at Air Combat Command bases.
The entire command — about 100,000 active-duty airmen — is standing down training flights and many other operations as part of a command-wide safety day.
Command boss Gen. Ronald Keys ordered the Sept. 14 safety standdown in the wake of the Aug. 30 nuclear incident at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., in which six cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads were loaded onto a B-52H and then flown to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., without anyone on the ground or bomber realizing the nuclear weapons were on the plane. It was not until the B-52H was parked at Barksdale that ground crews discovered the cruise missiles were carrying real warheads.
Command spokesman Maj. Tom Crosson said wing commanders would determine how their units review operations and safety procedures and checklists.
Just how serious Keys takes the lapse of regulations at Minot is reflected in the fact that the safety stand-down is the first commandwide safety day in recent memory. In the past, the command has singled out specific types of aircraft for safety days and in 1997 the Department of Defense held a departmentwide safety review day.
I'd be in my final year of nursing school if I didn't quit
by Younglove1999 inabout 3 years i decided enough of being "content" with the fact that i had a decent job, if i was going to work, i wanted to do something that i loved.
i've always wanted to get into medicine.
but being that i was 23, married, owned a home, worked full time and never went to college, it wasn't going to work out for me to just enter into college and then proceed onto medical school.
You might want to check into some grant options, too. It's not a loan, its a free gift of money to continue school. There are lots of small grants you can apply for...I think clairol has a small grant for women wanting to return after hiatus.
New RBC arrangements/directives
by bud2114 ini joined awhile back and haven't posted much - just lurking like many others.
for the past year or so i have been trying my best to fade away sooner rather than later, but the wife and most of our family have decades of involvement in this mess and well, it's difficult.
little by little i have been sowing seeds of doubt and it does seem to be working somewhat.
must again be renovated and the official occupancy lowered because of the new homeland security rules enacted after the 9/11 attacks. We were told that any building with an official occupancy of 250 or more could be arbitrarily taken over by the authorities and used as a command center if a state of emergency was declared. We were also told that all KHs are being reviewed to make sure they have an occupancy of 249 or less.
What exactly do they do to "downsize" the hall?
Take out a couple of rows of pews?
Or is occupancy according to square footage?
How do they "shrink" a hall?
New RBC arrangements/directives
by bud2114 ini joined awhile back and haven't posted much - just lurking like many others.
for the past year or so i have been trying my best to fade away sooner rather than later, but the wife and most of our family have decades of involvement in this mess and well, it's difficult.
little by little i have been sowing seeds of doubt and it does seem to be working somewhat.
In the past year...3 KH in this area have been "renovated" for mold problems.
Two of the halls, I have been in and they looked fine to me. I wasn't sneezing or anything.
And when they were "done" they looked the same. Maybe some new wallpaper. But none of the halls had deteriorated to show any obvious flaws before the remodel.
As far as gov. access, there was a program started about 10 years ago. It had to do with churches accepting government grants. Once churches were on grants list for funds it was called a "turnkey" operation...like if gov. needed to use church facility for evacuation center or something, gov. would be given that right.
And I too would like to know...who really holds title on those buildings?