Posts by tula

  • inkling

    I think may convert to Bokononism

    by inkling in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    thank you oompa for recommending kurt vonnegut.. i am reading cat's cradle at the moment, and am enjoying it immensely.. .

    around and around and around we spin,.

    with feet of lead and wings of tin .... .

    1. AlyMC
    2. jaguarbass
    3. oompa
  • tula

    New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become.

    Kurt Vonnegut

    Breakfast of Champions

  • inkling

    I think may convert to Bokononism

    by inkling in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    thank you oompa for recommending kurt vonnegut.. i am reading cat's cradle at the moment, and am enjoying it immensely.. .

    around and around and around we spin,.

    with feet of lead and wings of tin .... .

    1. AlyMC
    2. jaguarbass
    3. oompa
  • tula

    "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way."

    Kurt Vonnegut

    Cat's Cradle

  • Blackboo

    If you believe in Evolution then your a fool! God really is REAL!

    by Blackboo in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.

    these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.

    think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.

    1. LuckyNun
    2. BurnTheShips
    3. Satanus
  • tula
    you cannot produce life after some FORM of life DIED...Think about it..has anything came back from DEATH??? That ALONE discredits evolution. Does life come from a dying animal? Insect?

    You are absolutely right 5go. This is why carrot juice is soooo good for you. It has live enzymes. Well, especially if you can get it fresh.

    Life begets life. Do you think we will all evolve into vegetarians? As I heard it, there will be no killing and eating of dead flesh in the new world.

    Are vegetarians more spiritually evolved?

  • DJPoetech

    Is the "stump" related to Babylon the Great?

    by DJPoetech in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    is the "stump" or "banded rootstock" of dan chap 4 related to babylon the great of our day?.

    i know generally how the wtbts of course turns all prophetic scriptures to benefit themselves.

    we all know where that gets us.. has anyone done or heard any research on the matter?

    1. oompa
    2. tula
    3. myelaine
  • tula

    Aniron: According to the JWs isn't the tree that is cut down and the stump banded represent "Jehovahs kingdom" removed from the earth. That this is were they get they 2,520 years to 1914 when Jesus returned and re-established the "Kingdom" though invisibly.

    I think that DJP is pursuing some reasoning beyond the JW box, Aniron.

    Funny how some people, though out, still continue to think within the JW guideline of interpretations, relying on this dubious invisible kingdom to establish time lines. Throw it out!

    I think you are on the right track DJP and I really hope to see this subject explored deeper.